It’s a 5-point Mule Deer, change my mind

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What is a mule deer with 5 points on each side called? (A beam plus G1-G4)

  • 5 point

  • Big ol cranker 10-pointer

  • 4 point

  • 4 point with browtines

  • 4 point with eye-guards

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@Ought Six
Are “management bucks” 3 pointers, or 4 pointers?


“Points are counted above the first fork and don’t include the eye guard, which isn’t considered a point.”

The Utards really contradict themselves in this paragraph lol

“Points are counted above the first fork and don’t include the eye guard, which isn’t considered a point. A point is a projection that’s longer than one inch, measured from its base to its tip, including damaged or broken antlers.”

I get not counting them if they are less than an inch rules is rules


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I counted these on this bucks harvest report. No guidance as to whether or not to count them. I kinda just wanted whoever entered the data to think someone killed a 6x6 buck and make the assumption that it was really big, which it isn’t
Really cool buck! Don’t see that very often
This is a 3x3 out West.FB_IMG_1555631960293.jpg
This is a 13 point in the Midwest
Don't get me started trying to explain the confusion around here when I tell people I passed a 12 point for to shoot a 8 point! Most people around here don't understand how to age a deer and go off of antler tine numbers vs actual length, width, and mass....
A couple of years ago I saw the biggest blacktail I have ever seen. I have only seen a handful of mule deer with bigger racks. He was a mainframe 3 point with split brow tines. I told people I saw a huge three point and I think they had a pretty good idea what I saw. If I said I saw a huge 5 point because of the brow tines, they would have envisioned a mainframe four point with kickers. not even close to what I actually saw.
All the points are counted on a mule deer here in Montana. Should have clarified that a bit. Count points on each side. 5x5 mule deer buck, 3x4 mule deer buck. Each point per side is counted. KISS
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The weird thing to me is how its common for people to not count the eyeguards on a mule deer, but they always count them on a whitetail. Then if you go to Arizona they don't count eyeguards on coues or what the locals often refer to as whitetails.
Going home from hunting on night we stopped a gas station. The attendant saw we were hunters, so he pointed to a pickup parked alongside the station and told us that that guy had a 17X15 buck in the back. We went over to look and sure enough there was a buck, not particularly big, but it had points going all over the place. While talking to the guy he started noticing a bunch of junk around the base of the antlers, so he started counting those too. He ended up calling the buck a 23X20. I don't know what it should really be called but it was sure a cool looking buck.

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