Is This Something MT FWP Should be Spending 10K On?

Since it is west of Great Falls they probably will spend another $100,000 on making sure the stream will support more Orvis outfitter fisher wussies also.
I am almost beyond bitter. I wish we could cut this thing in half and make two states out of it.

Preserve the west. I'm for that. You have to find a big tree in the east Nemont, then tell them about it, eh?


We want our $10,000 grand to not only preserve this tree but an additional $10,000 for our pain and suffering.

When Nemo erects his fake douglis fir in the family room on Thanksgiving, it becomes the tallest tree in the east half of Montana :D

Next thing you will telling me that Eastern Montana is flat.

Next thing you will telling me that Eastern Montana is flat.


Only if you tell me the wind stopped blowing ;)

No, I know flat...Eastern MT has got nothing on Eastern ND when it comes to flat. Hell, where your relatives live around Lakota, when their dog runs away they can watch it for 4 days

All I really know about eastern MT is that the drive between Billings and Glendive is the most brutal section of highway I've ever driven. Fortunately when I drive back to Nodak on Wednesday it should be after dark so I don't have to watch the same sage brush pasture whiz by for 4 consecutive hourshump

Mtmiller, looks like a Richland County Lilac to me.
All I really know about eastern MT is that the drive between Billings and Glendive is the most brutal section of highway I've ever driven. Fortunately when I drive back to Nodak on Wednesday it should be after dark so I don't have to watch the same sage brush pasture whiz by for 4 consecutive hourshump

Then you should vary your route some and hit Hwy 2 for a more scenic drive.


The spurge was in full bloom and just framed that picture nicely. Good thing the sheep grazing on it stayed out of the frame.

Then you should vary your route some and hit Hwy 2 for a more scenic drive.

I would if it weren't for the 9-month old in tow. For this trip my goal is speed over scenery. We may drive back to MT taking that route however, I hear Culbertson is beautiful this time of year.
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