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Is there anything that preys on pine squirrels? Can I train one to take with me on elk hunts?

Ha! I take my trained Pine Marten with me on every elk hunt! You should see Marty chase squirrels through the treetops! Shuts those buggers up fast.

But remember, just as the squirrels announce the presence of an intruding human, they will also point the location of elk skulking through the timber, so there's that. Gotta pay attention, fellas.

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Cool pic. What's his name?
I used to hunt an oak woods here in Ohio that was full of chipmunks. If you are unfamiliar with what a chipmunk sounds like, look it up on YouTube. Every few seconds, they "chip".....no rhyme nor reason...they just do it. By the end of the evening, my head would be pounding to the repeated commotion, matching the rhythm perfectly. I decided there wasn't a buck big enough hunting that woods for and haven't been back since!
Ha! I take my trained Pine Marten with me on every elk hunt! You should see Marty chase squirrels through the treetops! Shuts those buggers up fast.

But remember, just as the squirrels announce the presence of an intruding human, they will also point the location of elk skulking through the timber, so there's that. Gotta pay attention, fellas.

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My buddy had one of those circling all around him for a few minutes this past season. Thing came right up to him with no fear. A cool video. I'll try to get him to send it to me.

I often wonder if the squirrels I hear going off at something I know is not me is chattering at an approaching elk. Gets a guy hopeful but hasn't panned out yet.
Squirrels give warning to others that a large mammal is walking by that could be a predator. I use them to my advantage when still hunting. They also squawk when a deer, bear, or elk walk by. It warns me something is coming. I use squirrels to tell me how well i'm still hunting that day. If I can move past a squirrel without is squacking I know i'm moving slow enough and be quiet enough.

Don't get mad at them. They're just being squirrels. Use them to help you.
you people are lucky as squirrel are so pretty and neat and entertaining,,here in nz on the east coast and lesser extent the west we have a paradise duck who wait till you get close to your prey and then proceed to fly around and around your position honking like a goose,,try and shoot one in flight with your rifle,,myself ive only managed the feat once or maybe twice
I've been to your south island a number of times, it is truly amazing and I found the populous on a whole to be excellent folks. That duck is too funny, good luck

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