Kenetrek Boots

Is the MT rut kickin in?


Jul 1, 2012
I have been busy as heck at work and havent had a chance to get out since last weekend. What has everyone been seeing for rutting activity here in Montana? Any swollen necks out yet?
Based on the activity I saw on Tuesday I would think the mule deer are getting warmed up. A patient told me today that they saw a couple of nice whitetail bucks chsing some does this morning.
Spent this week chasing both muleys & whitetail. I'd say easternMThunter is spot on. Muleys are their does, but the whiteys are still getting warmed up.
It is time to get out there. Last few days, buck activity has been on the increase pretty well here in the breaks. Guy next door shot a pretty nice whitetail this morning. Neck swelled and stinkin. Should be getting interesting for the next few weeks.
I'll be there in 6 days. Can't wait . Whitetail opener here in N.D. was a joke. To many hunters , no rut , and to many hunters. Private land sucks. Puts every one in the few available areas. Did I say to many hunters. And a lot not very ethical. Wasn't thrilled with My first ND hunt...........BOB!
Ive seen very little rut activity in this part of the state the last two days. Small bucks chasing does mostly.
Some nice bucks are starting to show up in the alfalfa fields in SE MT. The peek of the rut is only a week or so away.
I saw a whitetail buck sniffing around some does yesterday. They are getting warmed up. I'll be out chasing muleys on Monday and expect them to be a little more warmed up. I think we are still about a week away from the peak on muleys and the whitetails are always a few days behind.
Saw a small muley following a doe this morning. The whitetail does are just starting to kick off their fawns, so hopefully that rut isn't too far off.
Whitetails might be a week behind the muleys - but there's no bones about it- 2nd week of November, every year, Muleys are with or lookin for does caution to the wind. The mule deer rut is ON - right now.
Whitetails might be a week behind the muleys - but there's no bones about it- 2nd week of November, every year, Muleys are with or lookin for does caution to the wind. The mule deer rut is ON - right now.
Alternate proof: I just landed a contract that will keep me mostly indoors for the next few weeks.
Coming to MT on the 21st, do you think we'll be to late?
Jdan9 - No, the rut should really be going strong by the 21st.
I'm surprised to be agreeing, but the mulies sure seemed fired up today. Saw 3 mature bucks with does today. The one I ended up shooting stank like piss and was running a doe around pretty hard.
Big bucks doing dumb things out there right now. I'm excited to see what gets killed this weekend across the state.

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