Is he a Bot or a real person?

There’s nothing stopping any of us contributing voluntarily, I promise Randy won’t send it back. Better still, let’s put a Benjamin service fee in that stupid report function.
Side note though relative to this sub of a sub topic about Bots or not, A good means to support Newberg's endeavors is to subscribe to Fresh Tracks.

And side note of side notes: I believe we can place April (Europe) to rest about the Bot or not conspiracy. Amazing how powerful an effect she had on so many here.

Oh and another note: FFS, little tattle tailing, grade school self appointed hall monitors incapable self control to not open a thread you may uncontrollably report because you do not like the opinions shared or this wild notion all topics at Hunt Talk must be hunt related - take a moment to view the farking thread the post is under and the basis of Money and Finance, Fishing Hole, A place for friends, Sports, etc...
Control your finger. Don't twist your own arm to open a thread. It's ok... we have faith you can do it. ;)

Rant over. :)
Your observation is correct. It is a continual assault from overseas, most of which now use VPN services to try disguise, but our software is part of a larger group of forums and social media that reports known bots and spammers. So, when they show up, with a known IP, from a problematic VPN, with a commonly formatted email address, and a few other key identifiers, the systems sorts them for manual approval.

My default is to just decline their registration. I am sure a few well-intended people get declined as part of that default position, but it is better than having to clean up the mess created when one of them get through.

Thus, we have blocked all places other than the US or Canada. There is some exceptions for those who were here before we installed the "Iron Curtain." And their response is to use US-based VPNs, most of which are their proprietary VPNs, making it easier for software to identify.

Anyone wanna own a forum? Only cost you $1,050 per month for hosting and software, and as many hours as you want to invest.
I'd rather prepare 1,000 simple 1040s than do that. We all appreciate what you do....well, at least most of us.
$50/year. Can't remember what I paid for X but think it was more than this, but doesn't matter, it's for free speech; cheap at twice the price.

Everyone here can afford that, but it would cut out the bots. That's like a box of factory ammo.

And relieve your financial burden, even though you can afford it.
I wouldn’t pay it. See you on the trailhead fellers….

Christy’s gtg…..
@Bill Christy, I am slammed with moderation requests of your posts (already 9 of them this morning). This is a test to determine if you are real person, an alias with ChatGPT, or a bot.
I’d say you’ve most certainly tolerated @William Christy more than most benevolent dictators would have, I support your decision to give the bot ye ol’ ban-keephammering!
Having thin skin and being a whiney little bitch can be counterproductive for individuals because they may struggle to handle criticism or teasing from others. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and emotional overwhelm. Instead of brushing off minor comments or jokes, individuals with thin skin may take everything to heart and let it affect their self-esteem and confidence. This can hinder their ability to engage in social interactions, build relationships, and navigate challenging situations.

Additionally, being too sensitive can cause individuals to misinterpret innocent remarks as personal attacks, leading to unnecessary conflict and tension in their relationships. They may also struggle with regulating their emotions, resulting in frequent mood swings, anxiety, and stress.

Ultimately, having thin skin and being overly sensitive can prevent individuals from effectively coping with life's challenges and setbacks. It is important for them to develop thicker skin and learn how to set healthy boundaries, communicate their feelings effectively, and practice self-care to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships and emotional experiences.
Having thin skin and being a whiney little bitch can be counterproductive for individuals because they may struggle to handle criticism or teasing from others. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and emotional overwhelm. Instead of brushing off minor comments or jokes, individuals with thin skin may take everything to heart and let it affect their self-esteem and confidence. This can hinder their ability to engage in social interactions, build relationships, and navigate challenging situations.

Additionally, being too sensitive can cause individuals to misinterpret innocent remarks as personal attacks, leading to unnecessary conflict and tension in their relationships. They may also struggle with regulating their emotions, resulting in frequent mood swings, anxiety, and stress.

Ultimately, having thin skin and being overly sensitive can prevent individuals from effectively coping with life's challenges and setbacks. It is important for them to develop thicker skin and learn how to set healthy boundaries, communicate their feelings effectively, and practice self-care to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships and emotional experiences.
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