Is he a Bot or a real person?

$50/year. Can't remember what I paid for X but think it was more than this, but doesn't matter, it's for free speech; cheap at twice the price.

Everyone here can afford that, but it would cut out the bots. That's like a box of factory ammo.

And relieve your financial burden, even though you can afford it.
Take the money and raffle a hunt with it. Idk could you require guys to buy x amount of tickets to be a member for a raffle so that you don’t get taxed on it as income?
I was thinking that might be one of the bigger hangups of the paywall. The added stress/time/paperwork of bringing in revenue and reporting to IRS. Pretty sure with Randy’s line of work he could handle it but it is still added headache
Not trying to hijak the thread, but I kept wondering. Was Europe real? If not I fell hook line and sinker but I felt like Randi, Panda and Europe were legit.
I'd bet good money they all were legit, but especially Europe. I also received a few PM's from, usually mentioning a specific post I'd made recently. If I'm wrong, I'd rather not know lol.
I'd bet good money they all were legit, but especially Europe. I also received a few PM's from, usually mentioning a specific post I'd made recently. If I'm wrong, I'd rather not know lol.
Europe was very kind and thoughtful throughout our DM interactions. I don’t really care that she never posted a pic, or that there are some unanswered questions, or the whole randi/panda bear enigma.
All the smoke about Europe came from one member who had an axe to grind with her for reasons he never felt like explaining.

I have zero reason to believe she wasn't who she said she was. Especially given the fact that she only ever contributed, and never tried to ask for anything from anyone that I know of. She made a lot of people's days brighter.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt is still worth something.
All the smoke about Europe came from one member who had an axe to grind with her for reasons he never felt like explaining.

I have zero reason to believe she wasn't who she said she was. Especially given the fact that she only ever contributed, and never tried to ask for anything from anyone that I know of. She made a lot of people's days brighter.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt is still worth something.
She sent me a picture of her racing Ferraris. Good enough for me. And my wife really did race trucks across the Nevada desert because they passed her. I was napping in the luxurious back seat. Woke up, speedometer was buried at 160. "WTF?" "They were passing me giving me the business, so I thought I'd show them,". Never piss off a redhead. Europe understood. May she Rest In Peace.
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All the smoke about Europe came from one member who had an axe to grind with her for reasons he never felt like explaining.

I have zero reason to believe she wasn't who she said she was. Especially given the fact that she only ever contributed, and never tried to ask for anything from anyone that I know of. She made a lot of people's days brighter.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt is still worth something.
She sent me a PM once after I posted a old pic of my grandpa in front of a feed store in the 50s. She knew exactly where that store was and sent me enough info to convince me she knew the area fairly well during her time. Always very thoughtful and kind and never seemed to want anything other then a nice conversation. I'm certain she was the real deal and a class act.
She sent me a PM once after I posted an old pic of my grandpa in front of a feed store in the 50s. She knew exactly where that store was and sent me enough info to convince me she knew the area fairly well during her time. Always very thoughtful and kind and never seemed to want anything other then a nice conversation. I'm certain she was the real deal and a class act.
She sent me a pm about getting my daughters involved and what that meant to her. Very thoughtful and genuine message.
I think we all could find one frustrating state we apply at as a NR. We scratch off one hunt application that mathematically really doesn’t make much sense anyway. Take that little bit of cash and we send it to Randy to help keep the lights on here;)
I think we all could find one frustrating state we apply at as a NR. We scratch off one hunt application that mathematically really doesn’t make much sense anyway. Take that little bit of cash and we send it to Randy to help keep the lights on here;)
I think we can all also agree that the non residents need to pay more to keep the site up and running.
There’s nothing stopping any of us contributing voluntarily, I promise Randy won’t send it back. Better still, let’s put a Benjamin service fee in that stupid report function.

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