I am seeing a huge comeback in the pheasant population from what it was a few years ago. But with farming practices and also a very strong coyote population, i dont think we will ever see what we had in the 90s.
I am not sure Yote problems is that harsh on pheasants. Yotes seem to get blamed for a lot of killing of game animals and I am not sure if I believe all that. If you look up what there diets is, it consist of a lot of smaller animals, fruits and grass.
I would argue other varmits have a larger affect on pheasants, skunks, coons, etc. These animals I believe do some damage to the nests and eggs more than anything. If you look at it this way yotes could help by eating animals that affect yotes.
I haven't read any studies on it but I have heard the large influx of turkeys and their nesting habits have affect pheasant population. I do know they compete some but there habitats don't complete intersect.
I love watching deer hunting shows in the Midwest when they kill a yote and then talk about how they are saving so many deer. Ya they may get a fawn or two but I don't think it is that huge of a problem here. Now from what I have read black bears are terrors on fawns.