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Interstate access

Did it once and got caught. There was a long ridge paralleling the interstate between home and work which had a lot of squirrel summer nests up in the oak tops, so my son, nephew and I parked my Bronco off the side of the right-of-way one afternoon and proceeded into the woods. At near dark we came out and were putting the guns in the back when a state trooper rolled up on us with lights off. That sucker had been sitting about a third mile back just waiting for us to come out and to tell us that we weren't allowed to do such, which was no secret to me. No ticket, no hassle; musta been a country boy.
Two miles in the dark - and in the ditch...I'm sure the Police have better things to do. Kind of like the corner crossing deal. I'll pay the ticket for bike riding in the ditch.
I've got five bucks towards a lapdance for Topgun, anyone else want to pitch in?

Maybe I'll call the local highway patrol and get his opinion.

Haven't you seen what happens to "Blue" in Old School?
Damn topgun make up your mind.First you go nuts over the thought of anyone doing it .Then you say you've been thinking of it.
I'll pitch in a 5 for the dance.Make sure she dresses like a cop though to start off
BTW, i'm just messin with you so don't take offense

How do you think I know so much about this subject, hehe :D
"So here is a fine line between a cop ad a criminal?"

Nope, not at all, just people trying to figure out any legal way to hunt our public land and regardless of what your occupation is if it's against the law then you are a violator. That's why even though it's possible to get away with something like accessing land off a freeway like we're talking about I've never tried it.
I have called and talked to highway patrol, they said not a problem just to let them know when and where I was going to be hunting and dispatch would let the officer in the area know. Maybe it was just the state I was in that had no problem with it.
I did it in Wy for antelope...parked my car at the nearest off ramp (legal spot) and rode my bike in the ditch for +2 miles...worked great. Dragged my antelope up to the fence and got my car...loaded it up.

I have always assumed that parking on ramps was legal because I see a lot of semi's do that. But I have never known for sure, because I Don't do it. So that is nice to get confirmation.

This topic is of interest to me because I am looking at a 3rd choice Wyoming unit that currently does not allow any hunting, thus a lot of big bucks on there. However, it is totally checkerboarded. I see nice bucks close to the highway often. So my thought was to just try hunting the BLM sections bordering the highway. I am highly likely to draw my elk tag this year, so I'll be out there anyway. Nothing to lose but the tag fee.
Has anyone ever dealt with accessing public land from an interstate?

There's a chunk of public that barely touches the interstate, and I'm wondering what the legality is of parking in the borrow pit and hiking in?

Randy11- search MCA for "controlled access highway." If the interstate is marked as such, you'll know the answer on legality. Whether or not you'll be cited if it is controlled access is another question.

Tarheel- I bet that cop was wishing it was him hunting instead of having to be on duty. He was probably sitting back there dreaming of the fun living the hunt vicariously.
Zim---Actually, it is just as illegal to park on an "on" or "off" ramp out on an Interstate as it is out on the highway itself. Those areas are still under the highway guidelines and normally the fences running along the highway right of way continue on down to the road where that ramp leads to or from. I know you stated you've seen semis do it (I have too) and I know also that many times they are told by the Troopers to move to a legal area in a rest stop or at a private facility at a legal interchange because of the danger they represent, especially in bad weather.
I have pulled my truck all the way over to the ROW fence here in wyoming and went after elk during late season cow hunts many time never had a problem with the DOT or the WHP. Matter a fact one of the WHP that runs the strecth of I 80 where i was hunting stopped and said just keep it as far away as possible. Even offered to show us another area we could get to from I 80.
There is still a law on the books in MN that it is illegal to for an Indian to be in the back of a covered wagon. Try enforcing that one.
Very interesting! The next time you see the WYHP guy that told you that, ask him to give you a written okay to cover you and see what he says! I would bet if there was an accident of some sort he would say there was no way he told you it was okay to park there---just sayin! People may get away with doing what we are saying, but if you have my kind of luck I'd get a ticket the first time I tried it :eek:
I and many people have done it from St Regis to Idaho line on I 90. For me I have done it for thirty years and have never had a problem. A few years ago we walked a ridge several miles and came down to the interstate and we were very tired walking back to our truck, and a game warden gave us a ride back to our truck and he never said a word. We always park where you can get quite a ways off the interstate not right on the shoulder.
Tarheel- I bet that cop was wishing it was him hunting instead of having to be on duty. He was probably sitting back there dreaming of the fun living the hunt vicariously.

Probably so. When I told him we were just trying to get some squirrels to go with dumplings he smiled broadly and said "You can't do that." with a twinkle in his eye all the while.
Up by Craig on I-15 theres a spot that alot of fishermen use, and I have used for duck hunting. When they redid the interstate and fencing they actually put a dirt mound on one side and ladder on the other. There is enough room to park a couple of big trucks off pavement there, and you will see two or three pickups there quite frequently. Law says emergency parking only but it really comes down to who is enforcing the law.
I-15 from the North Hill to the Sieben Interchange north of Helena borders a bunch of the Sieben Ranch property and during the rifle season there will be a dozen trucks parked to the side of the borrow pit up against the fence.

I've never seen anyone getting hassled and there are ALWAYS trucks parked along the interstate.

Not sure of the legalities, but it doesn't appear to get enforced on that section of I-15.

I was going to point that section out as well. And, it gets patrolled by the MTHP all the time with no tickets being issued.
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