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Interesting Scientific Breakthrough

Laugh all you want. The idea that we in flyover states can provide you guys in Texas, California, and New York some enduring definition of common sense is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Then again, maybe that's just because I'm from a flyover state.
They have a voice like everyone else... They can vote. They can make careers as "designated scale tippers." There's no more consensus there than anywhere else. The virtuous, overlooked blue collar man trope is trite.
Watch it there bub. The blue collars know how to build, operate, and maintain one of these bad boys.Screenshot_20220919-075501_Chrome.jpg
The cynic in me thinks that there is no shortage of interesting things we can do when money is no object. The hard part is doing them when it is.
I've often thought about this pertaining to so many issues that are right in front of us that get brushed to the side because there's no product produced or money to be made from it. For example the great pacific garbage patch. While the leaders of multinational industry and state are selling the green revolution as the way to save the environment and future, absolutely nothing is being done about the growing island of garbage that is now twice the size of Texas floating around in the pacific ocean.
I've often thought about this pertaining to so many issues that are right in front of us that get brushed to the side because there's no product produced or money to be made from it. For example the great pacific garbage patch. While the leaders of multinational industry and state are selling the green revolution as the way to save the environment and future, absolutely nothing is being done about the growing island of garbage that is now twice the size of Texas floating around in the pacific ocean.
Garbage must reproduce. My wife and I pick up the the garage on the road by our house every year. A new crop pops up in short order.☹️
Never meet your heroes...

"For many years, rumors have gone around that Fred McFeely Rogers (Mr. Rogers) flipped kids off on his tv show.
The truth is, he did…inadvertently.

He was singing "Where is Thumbkin" with children and, when he got to Tall-Man, he proudly displayed his middle fingers…because that's how the song played out."