Active member
I like this law. It makes a lot more sense than some of the things Tennessee does for folks with back child support. Not sure if its the case other places but here we suspend your driver's license until you're paid up. Makes total sense right? Make it illegal for the guy to drive to a job and he ends up going to jail for driving on a suspended license adding even more money he now owes. Even more ridiculous, if you hold a healthcare license in the state be it a physician, nurse, paramedic, etc. then that gets suspended as well. So then you can't work, couldn't drive to work even if you could work at your job, and you're likely gonna lose said job because you can't drive to work. How in the world they expect anyone to pay back with those sorts of stipulations is beyond me. Fodder for all the private jails and prisons we have here I guess. And for the record I don't have any kids. I'm afraid I'm coming off as a pissed off deadbeat myself