Interesting article.

You have to be able to separate a person from a job.
I agree with this entirely.

I dont have any reason to believe ANY of the people in the article are inherently bad people. In fact, im sure of the opposite - there are good people associated with it - from what i know Ben is one of them.

At the same time - we should expect someone whos a lobbyist, to be lobbying primarily to advocate for interests of those that have hired them. Thats literally the point of that job in our world.That in no way means every idea is bad (or cant be of benefit to a competing interest) or that malice should be quickly be attributed to someones character for what they do for a living. All that it really means is that we should discuss and focus on ideas - and not dwell on where they came from.
From my perspective this article casted a wide net and it will take me some time to look into each subject. Maybe that was the point, to have a bunch of different angles.

It never ceases to amaze me how complicated people make the wildlife topic.

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