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Input Needed to Make the Show Yellowstone More Authentic

John Dutton has unintelligibly muttered a few land grand scheme altruistic soliloquies...again, subtitles.
I've only watched a few episodes, stopped after the livestock agent swat team episodes. Grew up farming and raising cattle, Rip reminded me of more than a couple hands I worked with. The rest of it, well, it is a TV show after all.

I’m with ya. I called my brand inspector buddy to ask him where I sign up to be on the Brand Inspection swat team. I was very displeased to learn that not only did they not have one, and was he not in weekly shootouts, but in fact had never even been in a shootout. The sissy has never even been in a knife fight doing his job.

I told him to take me and 1/2 gallon of Pendleton along and we could stir up a few lively situations.
I’m with ya. I called my brand inspector buddy to ask him where I sign up to be on the Brand Inspection swat team. I was very displeased to learn that not only did they not have one, and was he not in weekly shootouts, but in fact had never even been in a shootout. The sissy has never even been in a knife fight doing his job.

I told him to take me and 1/2 gallon of Pendleton along and we could stir up a few lively situations.
All of the outlaw cowboys I know drink a half gallon of whiskey before afternoon chores. You better bring more to the party than that.
I walked into the Dept of Livestock in Bozeman the other day to talk to one of the Livestock Agents about an auction and the livestock agent flipped his table then flashbanged me when I walked into his office. I guess he didnt hear me knock. Those guys are jumpy, ready for anything. Head still ringing.
Man you were lucky! Hell you could have been killed, or worse!
Elsa? I have seen every episode ('by choice' would be a debatable addition to this statement), but I am having trouble picturing this person. Sign of my attention span, I guess.

If we are talking Elsa from Frozen, tho, I choose that one. Never spawned my own spawn but have nieces, have seen that one many times. She can probably freeze a river. Walking across a river at will would be sweet.
They should have filmed the scene where Casey goes to the hills to have his vision at mid winter. Right now that very spot would make it much more believable for hypothermia to set in, as there's about 4' of the white stuff and would look a lot colder than when they filmed there. I shot many a gopher in the basin.
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Elsa? I have seen every episode ('by choice' would be a debatable addition to this statement), but I am having trouble picturing this person. Sign of my attention span, I guess.
Elsa Dutton, just like Monica Dutton and Beth Dutton. I'll say she's not hard to look at though Monica is still #1.

Yellowstone is now the most watched show on cable, and the most ignored show by critics. The plot is often far fetched, but characters are pretty much on the money, soap opera aspect not my kettle of fish but Beth does some fantastic acting.

I worked in Bozeman for a couple months back in 84, maybe things have changed.
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