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Indian reservations??


Dec 20, 2000
The area Im gonna be chasing elk this fall borders a reservation. Do these reservations get a lot of hunting pressure or can they be a hotbed?

The reason I as is a few years ago while bear hunting we just sat on the boarder of a reservation and waited for the bear to come on to private land.......tons of bear on that res.!!

Guess Im always trying to find an angle. :D
Hiya Cali....
Its the crow indian reservation south of Billings Mt.
Yah sure is the one. If i were you Josh id buy an elk tag, throw out a hay bale and some grain and wait for one of those ol porker BigVelvet Game Ranch bulls to come in.
ha ha ha ill be sure to bring a tape recording of a tractor bringing feed!
Id be glad to put some hot lead through one of them corn fed bulls!! :D
Haha. On that particular reservation there is no wildlife because the native americans have carelessly wiped it out. That part of the state has some real potential but those folks definately have ruined it on the reservation. The good hunting is found off the reservation and away from it. I highly doubt you will be wanting to hunt any borders and certainly you don't have to worry about shooting anything near the border and having it run onto the reservation.

Personally I feel all tribal members should have to purchase a non-resident license to hunt in this state. After all, they have their reservation land to hunt.. Perhaps that would make them reconsider thier reckless ways.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-22-2002 11:37: Message edited by: Greenhorn ]</font>

That's probably the best idea I've heard all day! I'm not out to bash anybody but I, like most everybody I know, get sick of the crap that is allowed by Native Americans, whether on the res or not.
yeah, what Greenhorn said. I cant believe the montana tribes dont get a clue from arizona and newmexico and realize what they could have if they managed their wildlife instead of killing it all.

Im no indian-hater, in fact i have friends that are indians that live on the res. and they are great people. But there are some BAD APPLES that come off the res. in early september and in Jan/Feb and they hammer the hell out of whatever they can from the roads and from snowmobiles. My friends on the res. tell me they do it to "get back at the white man".

A couple years ago i saw a truck filled with 2 elk and one moose sitting along the road in 80F weather one week before bow season. A game warden came and couldnt do a darn thing.

This pic is a bull shot off its winter range near a road in jan/feb a year or two ago. Same guy has supposedly shot several big bulls off the range. Must be for the meat i guess, haha.

I deal with a lot of the res. Indians..
A lot of them have been nailed and fined for shooting animals that were not leagal for them to take...They still have the opinion and don't seem to want to understand why what they do is wrong...even their religious beliefs say the way some of them hunt or fish is wrong..But I suppose there are bad apples in most every way of life or culture....Good posts...
Sounds like they need to send the chief's son down to AZ or NM to see those operations they got going on. I'd rather laugh at the white man as I'm taking his money than shoot the darn critters for the hell of it. Guess that's why we're at the top of the food chain?????

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