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In case of ak

Just curious would you mind sharing approximately what the trip cost you in total?

I was fortunate to fulfill a lifelong dream hunt in Alaska last year and now AK is always on my mind. I'd love to get back up there again soon but it seems prices just keep going up. I know prices on everything everywhere seem to be going up but AK in particular seems more so.

Just curious but if you'd rather not comment on that I understand
52 days is a very short time with a trip like this for planning and prep. Glad I have almost everything I already need. Next weekend the 3rd for our group will be in town and will hammer out a lot more of the details
I had 2 days notice for my first trip down the Yukon. 20 years later I drew a Koyukuk moose tag and my wife asked if I needed a new gun, I told her I needed a new jet boat! Took my wife and son 530 miles down the Yukon and up theKoyukuk, got my moose, then drove 530 miles back out... This year I drew the Delta Junction moose tag and didn't need to do the boat thing!
Logistical nightmare. Been on and off the phone today with freight and cargo companies. They won’t ship 2 of those pallets. Very thankful for friends up north that will repack 2 tomorrow and get them moving this way otherwise I’d probably have to fly back to anchorage. Big lessons learned today
I feel like if I ever go back to Alaska I am going to just drive up there. The plane logistics is just a major pain in the ass. Especially if it is for a moose hunt.
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What leg holster do you have? I'm thinking of upgrading from my hip. Do you like it?
A guy here in town custom stamped it for me to fit my pistol with the light laser combo. I do like that I always have it. I don’t like sometimes it catches brush between part of it.
A guy here in town custom stamped it for me to fit my pistol with the light laser combo. I do like that I always have it. I don’t like sometimes it catches brush between part of it.

I could see it catching brush. Small price to always have it. While I’m asking, what light laser combo do you have? Been looking and the prices are all over the board. Not sure what is a quality one.

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