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In another 20 years...

I just wear ear muffs at the range. Good to go. Deer Hunting i don't. I personally think there is a difference a little in the gun you shoot. My dad's 24" barrel 7mm rem mag I think is a noticeable amount louder than my 26" barrel 7mm rem mag
I wear hearing protection at the club range. I don’t care how loud the rifle on the next bench is. But those damn semi automatics throwing brass at me !!! No semi’s allowed at the range !!!! (Let’s just be tolerant of others at the range)
I shoot suppressed for all my hunting rifles. Small or large it makes the rifles much more enjoyable to shoot. Brakes are obnoxious if there is a bunch shooting at a range I tend to leave and come back.
It all adds up. Too many jackhammers, chainsaws, other power equipment, and that constant loud rock and roll have done me no good. Hanging in a treestand in the forest one day and realized I had pretty good ringing in my ears. But then again I'm getting older and I think that adds to it.

You and I have the same thing going on.
I'm pretty sure heavy equipment, jackhammers and loud music did most of the damage.
It probably depends on the reason for chopping it. If you’re going down the suppressor road I don’t think there will be many regrets (unless the ATF uses all these purchases to come get the guns 😂).

I don’t have a suppressor but I do have several shorter rifles. They make for awesome woods guns or in a stand/blind but you better be prepared, the extra blast and muzzle rise can make them a handful…
What would be the point of shortening it other than to fit into a gun case without having to remove the can? Don't they just screw on and off? Do you have to secure them with a setscrew?
If I'm still kicking, I'll use the same 700 30-06 that I have had 40 some years.
Smoooooth action. LOL
What's a can? Targets?

I only use the local range early mornings ,mid week. I leave when others show.
Ear covers when using tools,tractors and range shooting. Always.

Low level low noise humm from twin Detroit diesels and riding a Deuce, for 2 years. Wore ear protection then too.
TP. Flack helmet...LOL

I've only shot a suppressed rifle once. ehhh....
While I understand the in and outs and the why of suppressors, it's my personal choice to not use them. Maybe someday, but I am not there yet. On another site, one is almost ridiculed for shooting a magnum and not shooting any rifle that is not suppressed. Funny stuff. mtmuley
I agree with this. I just don't feel like I need to spend up to $1,000 on something that makes it quieter when I already use ear pro anyways. But that's my 2 cents. I'd rather spend it on a tag, trip, gear, etc. I'm also glad that I don't have to use a range but just go out the back door and shoot from the gun bench in my back yard and shoot in the open fields we have on our farm.
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I agree with MM. I have not and probably will never shoot a suppressed firearm. I also hate muzzle brakes for all the sensible reasons.

With that, I am enjoying the new shorter threaded barrel trend! It has allowed me to purchase finely made rifles, sometimes at a 50% reduction in price, that were manufactured pre-short/threaded barrel trend!

So keep it up folks! Everyone needs to shoot with a black Redbull can at the end of their barrel!
I have one firearm that is obnoxious. 12.5" AR10 (7.62) with a brake. It came that way and in the small package it is nice to offset the recoil. It is also a tack driver, especially for a semi auto. That being said, I do always give those next to me at the range a heads up on what is coming because I realize it. It will never stop me from shooting but I take it as courtesy to notify. I sell suppressors and shoot them a LOT at work. Currently I am about the only one in the shop without at least one but that is getting ready to change. The boy got me a gift card for Christmas with the stipulation that it is only for a can 🤣 With the abbreviated time for stamps now, that card and my pro deal price I am going to get a titanium .30 cal can. I only actual 'REASON/NEED" I will agree with personally is that it really does make a difference for follow up shots (this is something to think about while WT hunting with a bunch of doe tags especially). The folks who get bent out of shape with the sound another persons gun makes are just plain a$$hats. Take care of your own business. I spoke with some folks from Wyoming who were berated by the VP (pretty well known in the shooting community and a guy I have shot with at a demo here) of one of the suppressor companies at a public range because they weren't suppressed. That is BS. Both from a PR stand point and a human standpoint. The one good thing I have to say about that dude is that at the demo I got to shoot one of his AIs in 300 Norma with a Zero Compromise optic.....that did NOT suck.
Suffering from hearing loss myself, not so much from shooting, audiologist told me mowing the lawn since I was like 10 years old without hearing protection probably did most the damage. As far as shooting ranges, the one I use most frequently requires hearing and eye protection. While firearms with brakes can be obnoxious, the thing that irritates me more is getting hit by hot brass that these AR sporting warriors don't even try to catch while I am trying to get a decent group. If anything all the "distractions" do help develop the ability to concentrate on the squeeze and hold.
I agree with MM. I have not and probably will never shoot a suppressed firearm. I also hate muzzle brakes for all the sensible reasons.

With that, I am enjoying the new shorter threaded barrel trend! It has allowed me to purchase finely made rifles, sometimes at a 50% reduction in price, that were manufactured pre-short/threaded barrel trend!

So keep it up folks! Everyone needs to shoot with a black Redbull can at the end of their barrel!

Who's selling "finely made rifles" 50% off because they'd rather buy an entirely new rifle than spend $150 to get it chopped/threaded?
My hearing is shot almost embarrassingly so at what I consider a younger age. I wish I would have had a short chopped off rifle with a suppressor as a kid.
I wish I would’ve taken better care of my hearing when I was younger. But I won’t be putting a $2000 can on my gun to fit in with all the Broey bros
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