Importing a skull

Dave N

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
I've been trying to get info on bringing a skull back from a hunting trip. I'm going to the UK to hunt Roe deer with deven deer this July. I've been trying to look up any permit requirements, paperwork, fees, rules, you name it. VERY CONFUSING! I was thinking of a bleached skull, even a skull cap for a plaque if need be, and need to figure out what I need to do to bring something home.

Anyone know about this that can share their knowledge?
I don't have any specifics to offer but you could look into having an expeditor take care of the import logistics / paperwork for you. My friend used one for an ibex in Mongolia and said it was worth the $$. Good luck.
I was sent a link to some paperwork that needs to be filled out. YIKES! Talk about a headache! Guess I'm not going to bring anything home in my luggage. As far as someone handling all the papers and shipping it home across the pond, I don't think I want to spend all that money unless it was a real TROPHY Roe deer. Racking up the credit cards enough the way it is! Looking like some pictures on the wall may have to be enough, if I even get lucky in the first place. Sometimes you have to know when to say "that's enough".
a euro mount done by a certified taxidermist isnt too much.Its definitely under a grand to your door.Its a once in a lifetime deal.Certain things are worth hitting the cc for
I was sent a link to some paperwork that needs to be filled out. YIKES! Talk about a headache! Guess I'm not going to bring anything home in my luggage. As far as someone handling all the papers and shipping it home across the pond, I don't think I want to spend all that money unless it was a real TROPHY Roe deer. Racking up the credit cards enough the way it is! Looking like some pictures on the wall may have to be enough, if I even get lucky in the first place. Sometimes you have to know when to say "that's enough".

Did you read my post on the other thread you made?

It is very straight forward.

Make sure it is clean and free of meat, blood and hide. Very easy to do.

Get a letter of origin stating the species of deer and that it was taken legally. Keep a copy of your hunting licence and if need be have that on the letter. If for whatever reason you did not, or do not have one or don't need one, you can get a friend to say the animal was a gift but still get a letter of origin stating the species.

Letter of origin is usually obtainable from a licenced taxidermist, veterinarian, government agency etc.

If your terribly concerned, download the cities documents showing that a roe buck from the UK is not listed as endangered or not able to be imported to america, this will give you a plan c if you strike a customs person who gives you a hard time.

You can also have a couple of pics of the harvested animal and pics downloaded from the internet to back up your case it is a roe deer. I have never done this, or needed to, but again, you could get a belligerent person at customs who thinks you might be trying to bring in something else that isn't what is stated.

I always try to take skulls and antlers etc with me on the plane home, it is straight forward and very simple.

If you have a cape or hide, salt it a couple of times, drain all fluid off and excess blood, trim any meat and it should be fine to get through. Other option is to get it tanned in the UK and then mailed over.

Any other info required just ask.

Good luck.

You could call Dakota Taxidermy, my outfitter in BC uses him to transport hides and skulls. I had no trouble bringing my moose skull and hide into the US from Canada. I believe permits were required for griz, goat and sheep. They should be able to tell you what you'll need. In fact one one the guys I hunted with was shipping his moose and caribou back to Denmark.
Did you read my post on the other thread you made?

Yep, sure did. It all SOUNDS good, but U.S. Customs is something I don't want to get pissed at me. I read one website about one rule, then another that sounds completely opposite. Maybe I'll just contact the agency myself and ask for clarification. If it's in my favor I can print it out and take it with me. And as far as spending $1000 to get something home? NOT gonna happen unless it's a world record! We don't have that kind of money to throw around. Would I be bummed to not have a skull to bring home? Sure, but that much of a cost just isn't an option.

No need to spend $1000 to bring animals home, whenever we go anywhere and need to bring larger trophies home we cut an antler or horn off to fit into a large bag and always try to get them home.

Either we use the loophole of sporting goods allowance which our hunting gear falls under or we pay for an extra bag of luggage. It pays to get creative.

it is very easy to get clean skulls through customs.
Well, if you haven't been following along, I got my skull home without any problems. Maybe I worry too much, but I really would have hated to have them take it from me! Customs waved me through without even taking a look at paperwork or anything. Never even opened my bag. Sweet!


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