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I'm out of Here in the next 24hours...


Hold the pickles and the lettuce.

And no...that isn't a sweet nothin' in your ear...................

I placed an order with guppie and assuredly,she'll screw it up.

You just set there behind the bowl of rice and look as stupid as you are..................

THIS will be good. Define a "combat hour"

Surely a tree dwarf who fancies himself on linguistics can figure out rudimentary English.

and your "role".

It doesn't matter. You couldn't understand if you wanted to...Just realize it doesn't involve balancing "Goodyears".

I placed an order with guppie and assuredly,she'll screw it up.

You just set there behind the bowl of rice and look as stupid as you are..................

Hope they notice the mustache, and don't give you a "kid's meal" based upon your stature...
Big Stick,

While it is true that I spent a summer flipping burgers, that was in the late 80's while I was in high school. Unlike you, I have moved on from the high school stage of my life. You know, that stage where you feel like you have to insult and degrade everyone in the futile hope that it will boost your self-esteem. I also don't feel it necessary to try to impress a bunch of random dudes on the internet.

The sad part is, you sound like you might be a pretty good resource when it comes to rifles. You sound like you have a lot of knowledge that you could share with everyone on here. Unfortunately, with all the big words that you throw around, you failed to learn, one, short, 4-letter, word......TACT.

If you settled down and stopped being such an insolent prick, people might actually give you a complement and you could start feeling better about yourself. As it is, you had to jump on this board and immediately start insulting everyone. Now, you're surprised that people are insulting you back?

I've stayed away from you, for the most part. But, you touched a nerve with me when you began insulting Ovis' service to this country. I did my time in the Army and I respect every man who volunteers to put his life on the line to protect our freedom and way of life. You may have some personal problems with Ovis, but to compare his mission in the middle east to flipping burgers is ignorant, insulting, and downright one of the rudest things I have personally witnessed. So, perhaps, you should ruck up or shut up.
Big Stick,

While it is true that I spent a summer flipping burgers, that was in the late 80's while I was in high school. Unlike you, I have moved on from the high school stage of my life. You know, that stage where you feel like you have to insult and degrade everyone in the futile hope that it will boost your self-esteem. I also don't feel it necessary to try to impress a bunch of random dudes on the internet.

The sad part is, you sound like you might be a pretty good resource when it comes to rifles. You sound like you have a lot of knowledge that you could share with everyone on here. Unfortunately, with all the big words that you throw around, you failed to learn, one, short, 4-letter, word......TACT.

If you settled down and stopped being such an insolent prick, people might actually give you a complement and you could start feeling better about yourself. As it is, you had to jump on this board and immediately start insulting everyone. Now, you're surprised that people are insulting you back?

I've stayed away from you, for the most part. But, you touched a nerve with me when you began insulting Ovis' service to this country. I did my time in the Army and I respect every man who volunteers to put his life on the line to protect our freedom and way of life. You may have some personal problems with Ovis, but to compare his mission in the middle east to flipping burgers is ignorant, insulting, and downright one of the rudest things I have personally witnessed. So, perhaps, you should ruck up or shut up.

+1, well thought out and said Guppie.

Can't even begin to imagine what adolescent reply will follow such a well thought out post.
LMAO Ken... :D

Funny how some people have a need to be the center of the universe and really get PO'd when some one else just steps in and takes over with out even a pretty please... :eek: :D

At least this one has pics and stories and doesn't try to hide behind others skirts in the process... :D
Guppie, it doesn't bother me, don't let it bother you...I've pretty thick skin.
Hello all...hope you guys are enjoying the long weekend.

Lots of hours flying here. Will have close to 100 hours before the month is up and I will have only been here for 3 weeks. We're accomplishing good things.

When not flying or doing the desk job, I stay busy with school work and the gym. Facilities here are real nice and they have just about anything you can ask no means your daddy's forward deployed base. The internet is a nice touch as it not only allows logging hours at HT, but keeps the family a little closer.

Food sucks, but is edible. I share a room with two other guys. Problem is we only have two beds...needless to say we've become very close, leg-hair close.

Guess I'll end on the sick was a joke guys. We have four beds...we just push them all together to make one. ;)
Ovis, is it too early in the day for an underwear clad pillowfight? Or is that activity never to precede hair braiding... :D :D
It doesn't matter smalls. Today is their yesterday...or tomorrow is our today...or something like that. Besides, its not like he's in the Navy.

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