Im bowing out

Kinda what I thought, guy I was working with a couple years ago was going to school to be a geologist said he'd make like $120k he thought. Maybe he was off and don't get me wrong that's good money but it's not that much. Lot more than me.
Did you just say 120k is just good money?
I don't think enough people are leaving California to destabilize their housing market.
California has 36 million people
Idaho has 1.9 million.
If 2 million California's head to Idaho our population would more than double and California would still have 34 million people reproducing.
Good point it just seems like the more “productive” people are leaving in droves and some of the major high tech firms which provide the high wages are moving out. I don’t know there market has appeared overpriced for years honestly. I don’t know a lot about California except everyone new to my area is from there 😂 and they have fistfuls of money from selling there houses
I didn't say it was just good money. I just wouldn't say it's $250k. By no means am I looking down my nose at 120 , I don't make that.
Before I joined ht one of my friends dads was the chief of the university police and when they published his $250k salary in the paper I thought he was the richest man in the world.
Imagine not having to own any equipment or anything and making $250k.
An operational geo at current oil prices makes $250-$300k

$150-$180k salary + up to 100% bonus.
99% of geologist aren't in O&G or mining.

They're running a nuke gage testing compaction, writing short reports for building permits, or doing stormwater infiltration testing.

There's like 7 total geologists in O&G...
99% of geologist aren't in O&G or mining.

They're running a nuke gage testing compaction, writing short reports for building permits, or doing stormwater infiltration testing.

There's like 7 total geologists in O&G...
99% of construction workers aren’t building giant ass houses in Jackson and Big Sky but those are the only people the forum talks about… wonder how much billy in Iowa is making.
Well according to Indeed;
The estimated salary for a construction laborer is $17.55 per hour in Jackson Hole, WY and
the average salary for a construction laborer is $17.29 per hour in Des Moines, IA.

Course those are for laborers, not “builders” so…Billy might be a builder, Bob was😉
If your household makes two times the median household income then you should be comfortable if are healthy and have two or fewer children. Median is the middle number if line up from smallest to largest. Two times the median income in America is $140,000. You can live quite well on that in Boise or Colorado Springs or Omaha on that. Not so well in NYC or San Francisco but the minority of Americans live in those cities.

If your household makes three times median household income then in most cities you will live quite well and I propose that making another $10,000 or $20,000 beyond three times median income does not significantly improve your quality of life and minimally reduces your level of stress about the future such as college for the children or retirement for you.

Plumbers, electricians and crane operators can make very good money and do not need to spend years and money earning a college degree though by age 50 many of the trade guys have issues with their back or knees or both. The UPS and FedEx drivers over 40 that have serviced our route the past 20 years typically have the hunchback walk.

Hunting your home state is affordable for most of us. Non-resident hunting for big game is expensive and cost seem to be rising faster than inflation the past two decades while draw odds are falling. Point creep is effectively turning 10% or more of deer and elk tags "once in a lifetime" draws. Even a household making $140,000 will have to budget to build points for an adult or two plus and a child or two then buy the tags if drawn and cover the door to door costs to go on the hunt. Elk tags for non-residents are in the $1000 range now in most states and that is not counting the years of fees to build points.
I have a really hard time believing $500.00 per sq/foot unless there labor rates are extreme or very expensive land. Material prices haven’t jumped that much to justify a $155.00 - $175.00 per sq/ft up to $500.00 sq/ft. I just completed a home last year and priced out materials on another one in the last two months. I think it’s more of matter of charging a amount that a perspective homeowner is willing to pay.
I agree that it sounds ridiculous, but I believe my friend. We grew up together and I asked her the question seeking to understand what to expect if I were to try and build a house there in 2024. She wasn’t trying to boast or sell me on anything. I think it is important to keep in mind that it has always been expensive where I am talking about. It has been a very long time since it cost $175 sq/ft so that is not a valid baseline. I don’t know what it jumped up from recently though.
99% of construction workers aren’t building giant ass houses in Jackson and Big Sky but those are the only people the forum talks about… wonder how much billy in Iowa is making.
If I could get a guy to show up on time, and sober, every day I would start a guy at $25-$30/hr. Even then I doubt he'll last through the week.
Well according to Indeed;
The estimated salary for a construction laborer is $17.55 per hour in Jackson Hole, WY and
the average salary for a construction laborer is $17.29 per hour in Des Moines, IA.

Course those are for laborers, not “builders” so…Billy might be a builder, Bob was😉
That's gotta be some old data. I'm not even gonna get a guy to pick up trash for less than $22/hr. I do agree with you though that wages for both tradesmen and management across the county seem to take in little account for cost of living.
That's gotta be some old data. I'm not even gonna get a guy to pick up trash for less than $22/hr. I do agree with you though that wages for both tradesmen and management across the county seem to take in little account for cost of living.

Source was Indeed, have no idea the accuracy though the site appears “current” but hey, it’s the inter web!

This is indeeds report for my trade. 5 year guys make north of forty and it's a given they'll be hovering around the 100k mark with overtime so take indeed with a grain of salt. I'm also in the industrial side which could pay more, but residential techs get commissions on their criminal, I mean, total sales, probably makes it a wash