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Idiots vandalizing IDFG Port-a-potties

Is there something particularly enticing about burning poo and purple matter?
I bet the perpetrators were Antifa activists traveling along Highway 12 on their way from a coffeehouse in Bozeman to Portland, making a political statement against an oppressive government’s attempt to control where one relieves him or herself - “Let’s put an end to this crap!”

I bet the perpetrators were Antifa activists traveling along Highway 12 on their way from a coffeehouse in Bozeman to Portland, making a political statement against an oppressive government’s attempt to control where one relieves him or herself - “Let’s put an end to this crap!”

Funny how we each see things differently. Having worked for a land management agency I just assumed tweaker, or 3%er right wing anti-govt folks, anyone know where the Bundy's were? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Now not only can we not have nice things but we can't have crappy things either. Damn vandals!
One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Montana is how well the shitters were maintained and treated by the public. Sierra foothills used to be the same way but it changed over time. Coming from a place where eventually people felt it necessary to leave their tribal gang art along with pissing all over the seats, shitting on the walls and stealing the paper it was a real pleasure to be back in a place where public property was respected. A sign of the cultural change to come I’m sure. Don’t know what to say, I did my part to raise kids that aren’t little assholes. All one can do I suppose.

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