Kenetrek Boots

IDFG/DU Volunteer Opportunity


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Boise, Idaho
Co-worker just sent me this info so thought I would pass it on to the waterfowl hunters in the Treasure Valley. PM me if you need contact info.

If anyone is looking for a great volunteer opportunity, see below pertaining to noxious weed control at the Roswell Marsh, near Parma. This would be a great opportunity to volunteer with IDFG. My friend Mond Warren/Idaho Ducks Unlimited as well as my uncle (Paul Ralstin) are helping to coordinate additional volunteers through DU. Please let me know if you are interested, or if you have a youth group or other that you would like to get out and help make an improvement to a recently restored wetland in our corner of Idaho. The Roswell Marsh has recently been improved by returning some of the historic water flows to it, through a partnership between DU and IDFG. It’s a beautiful area, and a great place to take a field trip and picnic with your family if you have some time to give next weekend.

If you are interested, please let me know, along with the number of people/ages and I will put you in touch with the authorities on the project. Thanks,


The weekend of August 27th, Idaho Fish and Game is planning on spraying noxious weeds in the Roswell and Parma area. These weeds are taking over our wetlands there and in particular Roswell which is one the projects we partnered with them on. They have asked for help from volunteers with the effort. They need approximately 10-12 people throughout the weekend. Hopefully this effort will really help clean up the Roswell Marsh and make it much better for waterfowling in the upcoming year. If you would like to help, Clair Kofoed/IDFG is coordinating. It is recommended to wear shoes you can get wet and a long sleeve shirts, pants and a hat. Please pass this along to your committee members and others as I have heard from several of them who are looking for an opportunity to help in the field and this is it. Greg, I think there were a couple of people at your meeting the other night who were looking for a way to help in the field so if you could let them know I would appreciate it. Thanks all

Mond Warren
Regional Director - Idaho/Western Montana
7314 East Grey Lag Drive
Nampa, ID 83687
208-869-5024 - Mobile
208-467-9152 - Fax
[email protected]
Visit at

Working To Preserve Our Waterfowl Hunting Heritage
When DU accepts the fact predator control is viable and when DU quits supporting spreading WMP all over the country instead of just breeding ground and when DU spends dollars on places all can hunt rather than privileged few, I will again volunteer and send donations other than my annual membership fee.
You should go over to the Duck hunters Refuge and take a look at the thread going about DU buying land in Northern Montana. You southern boys are never happy. Guys from LA, are arguing that DU should only spend money in the Breeding areas of Canada, period.

Can you please point out a DU owned project that is closed to public hunting period? There are alot of DU engineered projects on private lands but in all of those case DU is paid for their engineering and volunteer DU dollars are not used.

It is still America and if you don't like DU I am fine with that. I just want something approaching proof that DU spends my donations on keeping lands locked up. I have looked pretty hard to find it and I cannot. I live right next door to the county where DU spends the most in the lower 48 and every single one of their projects are open to the public. I wish they weren't as I could get access to most of them through private lands of landowner's I know.

here is the link. Please explain how DU can attract southern support if you won't contribute unless they spend money outside the breeding grounds and your southern brothers won't contribute unless they only spend money on the breeding grounds? Maybe we should do all we can to keep the ducks up north, damn winter raises hell with that through.
I said DU does not support spending money ONLY in PPR....they still insist NAWMP monies shud be spread around .....apparently to keep donations coming from "Southern" and SW and CA and New England "boys"...Delta Waterfowl walked out and quit NAWMP when DU kept insisting to spread the money rather than spend where needed......and DU has ignored DW scientific research for years on Predator control insisting it was "impratical"-----You show me where I am wrong!
And, BTW, I attend at least three DU banquets a year and usually spend at least $400 at each and continue to be a member.....are you a member of DW, the real waterfowl conservation for hunters group?
I said DU does not support spending money ONLY in PPR....they still insist NAWMP monies shud be spread around .....apparently to keep donations coming from "Southern" and SW and CA and New England "boys"...Delta Waterfowl walked out and quit NAWMP when DU kept insisting to spread the money rather than spend where needed......and DU has ignored DW scientific research for years on Predator control insisting it was "impratical"-----You show me where I am wrong!
And, BTW, I attend at least three DU banquets a year and usually spend at least $400 at each and continue to be a member.....are you a member of DW, the real waterfowl conservation for hunters group?

I am a member of DW, the only two groups I have quit are RMEF and the NRA, both for personal reasons.

I have no issue on predator control. Without habitat predator control is meaningless, kind of a chicken and the egg deal there. Both groups have their niche and I support both. You said that DU locks up land for only their fat cat supporters to hunt, I have researched this a great deal and cannot find anything that shows they do this. There is no perfect group out there and without wetlands there would be no waterfowl so habitat needs to be protected and then we can control predators once the ducks and geese are hatched.

I never said you were wrong on predator control or for not liking DU.

Okay....peace amongst us waterfowlers will lead to more ducks
But I still contend as does DW that the monies need spending in PPR not spread all over country with exception of LA coastal restoration.
If you want to find DU supported projects that you and I can't hunt on, just watch DU TV....
Have a great season and please have some cold weather so some dem duks come South!

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