Idaho/Oregon : Duck/Upland game leases.

I was in a club here in Texas, we could hunt all we wanted, but it was first come first serve on the reservations and you couldn't make a reservation until you finished your current reservation.

If you didn't show, a few times, you were kicked out, no refunds. You could go on standby, in case someone shot out or left early and a spot opened up.

Also, a lot places here just hunt till noon everyday, then the birds settle in in the evening, every evening, and you can hunt everyday, in the morning. Maybe have some days evening, some days mornings to accomodate all hunter styles.

You need some money in the bank, don't spend it all, or over spend what you have, or it will be a financial crisis when you loose the lease for one reason or another a week before season.

We paid a guy to do the reservations, but maybe a computer could do it now, or a retired guy or something. Opening weekend, we did a random draw of those that wanted to go. Those not drawn, got their second or third choice as a first reservation, drawing on each of those too. We could specify if we prefered date or lease location over the other when ranking our choices.
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