Idaho Unit 39

I'm not sure what trash has to do with my question.
Obviously if you make 39 a draw unit it would move hunters into the next unit further concentrating them so what next make that one a draw? Sounds like a slippery slope to me.
Hmm I spend a bit of time in 39 most years, unless I get a buck in another unit. If ya walk a bit people dissapear. It isn't my first choice but have never had a problem finding deer, nothing big but have seen some nice ones towards the end of the general hunt.
Lotsa big bucks get killed in 39 every year...

Have to agree big bucks are killed in 39 every year, wish I could find one(have seen a few). But its my go too close spot if I haven't tagged out earlier, don't like the crowds but never had a problem finding deer.
TOTALLY, agree with you!

I was just saying that 39 (and some other units) being the easier to reach units for the populace has really brought in some dirt-bags and hunter wanta-bees throwing lead and making messes.
So give 39 to the low-lifes as long as they stay out of your unit? I am sure hunters in MT, OR, WA, UT, NV etc have seen the same thing in units close to population.

A slippery slope any way WE look at it. Sorry if I offended you.

I'm not sure what trash has to do with my question.
Obviously if you make 39 a draw unit it would move hunters into the next unit further concentrating them so what next make that one a draw? Sounds like a slippery slope to me.
TOTALLY, agree with you!

I was just saying that 39 (and some other units) being the easier to reach units for the populace has really brought in some dirt-bags and hunter wanta-bees throwing lead and making messes.
So give 39 to the low-lifes as long as they stay out of your unit? I am sure hunters in MT, OR, WA, UT, NV etc have seen the same thing in units close to population.

A slippery slope any way WE look at it. Sorry if I offended you.

I agree after being scoped multiple times by someone to cheap to buy bino's. But as a last resort it has always been good to me. If you walk I think most people can find a small buck in 39. Never got anything big but had fun hunts once I got off the road.
39 has some big bucks and some trophy bucks. But yes off the beaten path of all the road hunters. The big boys hang in the deep draws full of brush or high up on the mountain peaks with the thick timber. Gotta step on them to get the big boys up. But I've always been able to find some dinky bucks on day and evening quick hunts. But agree on not the safest unit due to all the hunters. And don't expect a big buck if you don't intend on putting some miles on the boots in 39.
39 is a BIG unit with tons of deer not a lot of 4 and 5 year old deer but still lots of bucks. Therefor, lots of people hunting. Everyone definition of hunting is different some road hunt, some walk a mile, some pack in for several days. If you hunt hard and hunt areas that don't have ATV access I sure you will have a great hunt. If you feel unsafe in an area you hunting next to a road.
all the big bucks and bulls were killed years ago. The few animals that remained have been eaten by the wolves.

T-Bone is right. No deer left.

I drove up Cottonwood Ranger station few years ago as a last ditch effort knowing it was a clown show and counted 68 trucks/vehicles parked from the bottom to the top turnout.3 mile stretch ? Interesting we still got out and got a deer that morning.
The last two years I have hunted 39 the last week of the season. Same area both years, difference was in deer and bucks seen and number of people. I saw no other hunters and about 100 deer the first year, including one buck.

Last year I saw 9 people, in 5 different groups. 3 of the groups shot nice bucks(4pt bucks 22-25") 15 minutes ahead of me and a friend getting to the same animals. 1 other group shot a small 3pt after not finding a big buck without broken tines. I had a small 2pt blow my stalk on a real nice buck. Total deer seen was about 60, with 15 of them bucks(about half had broken tines).

The area I go into is 2.5 miles(I camped here) from a road that has vehicle access and the people I saw or ran into were another 2 miles further from where I camped.

Weather the first year was a factor in my opinon, with lack of hunters. This last year was nice and half of the people were from out of state. I think a lot more people are hunting 39 every year that want to get away from the "crowds", especially after other units in Idaho close on the 24th.

My hunting partner wants to go into an area where a boat will get us even further from roads or motorcycle trails, thus reducing likelihood of seeing other hunters.
well thanks guys for some positive ideas, its not my home unit but its close and i really love putting a stupid number of miles on my boots. sounds like if i stay away from roads and hunt hard it has potential. I'm only a high school kid but good glass, shape and shooting should help. sounds like i need to work a little harder and i will break through.
39 is an amazing unit, and the size of the Unit gives every type of hunting. There are some great desert hunts, some great mountain peak hunts, some good lake hunts up draws, and a couple of rivers to wade that open your own private Idaho.

Look at a map of 39, and there is room for lots of hunters. And Fat-Assed ATV riders.

A mile off the road, and you can find big bucks if you don't shoot little ones first.
39 is an amazing unit, and the size of the Unit gives every type of hunting. There are some great desert hunts, some great mountain peak hunts, some good lake hunts up draws, and a couple of rivers to wade that open your own private Idaho.

Look at a map of 39, and there is room for lots of hunters. And Fat-Assed ATV riders.

A mile off the road, and you can find big bucks if you don't shoot little ones first.

So true! People need to realize that if they shoot the little ones they leave few to actually get big. And plenty of big ones still in 39.
The Idea of a Boat isn't as slick as you think. Everyone thinks it, Several people do it. I've done it only to meet up with people that access it .
I lion hunted 39 once for about a week. It’s amazing how many posts I see on various forums about that 1 unit. A lot of out of state hunters post about going there which is weird since it is widely known as the most heavily hunted unit in Idaho by a huge margin. My impression being there was that unit is so big there has to be some remote honey holes in there. I have seen pictures of some pretty nice bucks others have taken. Some buddies took horses into 39 somewhere and did pretty good on elk 2 years ago. They traveled from north Idaho. I will hunt it one year just to see what it’s like but I’m way north Idaho so it will be one time only I’m guessing. Good luck if you like putting miles on I would think you would do well. Archery was open when I was lion hunting and I only saw a few deer hunters but we were mainly driving roads looking for tracks. I noticed more recently hiking way in I am finding as many hunters as i do close to the road archery elk hunting. It’s a lot more popular it seems to get more remote there’s a happy medium I have found between the people who want to go really deep and your road hunters. My best bull was a few years ago super steep going in then benches out. It was in the middle of a heavily hunted unit. There were guys all over the road (scared I’m going to get shot type numbers) and a bunch went way in. I never saw anyone all day in the middle packing the bull out which took from morning to dark. Hard to define the middle but maybe map some spots like that to check out
I lion hunted 39 once for about a week. It’s amazing how many posts I see on various forums about that 1 unit. A lot of out of state hunters post about going there which is weird since it is widely known as the most heavily hunted unit in Idaho by a huge margin. My impression being there was that unit is so big there has to be some remote honey holes in there. I have seen pictures of some pretty nice bucks others have taken. Some buddies took horses into 39 somewhere and did pretty good on elk 2 years ago. They traveled from north Idaho. I will hunt it one year just to see what it’s like but I’m way north Idaho so it will be one time only I’m guessing. Good luck if you like putting miles on I would think you would do well. Archery was open when I was lion hunting and I only saw a few deer hunters but we were mainly driving roads looking for tracks. I noticed more recently hiking way in I am finding as many hunters as i do close to the road archery elk hunting. It’s a lot more popular it seems to get more remote there’s a happy medium I have found between the people who want to go really deep and your road hunters. My best bull was a few years ago super steep going in then benches out. It was in the middle of a heavily hunted unit. There were guys all over the road (scared I’m going to get shot type numbers) and a bunch went way in. I never saw anyone all day in the middle packing the bull out which took from morning to dark. Hard to define the middle but maybe map some spots like that to check out
I appreciate the information.
My partner and I drew the late season archery tag. We have discussed packing camp in away from the roads but aren’t sure if it’s the best idea due potential bad weather and never having set foot in the unit. Either way we will hike away from the roads to hunt during the day.
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