Yeti GOBOX Collection

Idaho Spring Black Bear Hunting for Dummies

Having never hunted a bear in my life I am totally jacked up after learning I drew a idaho spring bear hunt. I just like being outdoor especially in the spring and am looking forward to a fun hunt with a couple buddies. Anyone have a good story of a spot stalk bear hunt or better yet pictures of bears harvested on one of the spring controlled hunts in Idaho??
I am new to bear hunting and new to Idaho. Its great to see some solid info coming out of this thread. Ill be hunting 39 or 43, I'm not sure which yet. Ill be following this thread and thanks again to those who have shared their experiences, its a huge help to us novice hunters!
Just went and got my 2017 Spring Black Bear tag, hunting license, and archery permit today. Really excited to get out and up again! Don't really know where to go, but being that I spent most of November in 39 last year trying to harvest and elk and deer, I'll go there first and try my luck at harvesting my first bear!
I'll be looking to harvest my first bear in 39 this spring too! It should be a lot of fun, I'm new to Idaho too so this is my first spring to explore.