Broad generalizations made by a ditch-digger...and thats the truth.
Butz the Putz, I know you don't like to be called a liar, but here is one you just posted and it’s fresh in every ones minds...
I guess now I can call you a LIAR…. Cool... I like that...
Butz the Putz has no Nutz is a LIAR, kinda has a ring to it…
In reality, you have no idea of what I do, besides fight fires for the summer, what a self pretentious dickweed…
LOL... After reading your whole post, it’s obvious that you would have liked a little more than just a quick generalization from me. !!!Tough titties little furry booby!!!
As with any thing else, you can't just put every scenario into one little box as you are in the habit of doing.
Yes, all of what you stated was accurate, and here comes the butt... Well, you’re the Butt, but I digress, you’re not the topic here, as much as you would like to be you egotistical snob.
As a general rule over FS ground that has marketable timber on it and is starting to rot (You seem to be the genius here), I have a question about, and would like a little more clarification besides just a bunch of diatribe and insipient babble (Your starting to sound like Bob LeBlah
With out the use of fires in a big way (we have been over it and reality dictates it will never be allowed to happen on the scale you would like, (politics you know)
Also, with the amount of moneys left to the governmental bureaucracies to utilize every year for maintenance (By your own admonition) there just isn't enough to do the job of hiring tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of extra people every year to get a handle on this.
Or by utilizing the forest products as was first designated by our original forests mandates.
Here comes the question!!!
It's a doozy, but I'm betting you have absolutely no answer for it, I'm also thinking most will already know what I'm going to ask, you self centered hairy little toad.
With no fire, mechanical, or use of man to maintain a "Healthy" forest,
????WHATS NEXT????
Now in your infinite wisdom ol' Doctor Butz the Putz has no Nutz is a LIAR....
What would be next, we can’t just leave it alone, and totally stay out of it as you would like.
That would only be self serving to a few elitists who would like to see all lands west of the Mississippi shut off to human habitation (well accept them of course and you I’m guessing) and left to its own devises…
What is the answer???
It really bites when reality is rubbed in your upturned nose, doesn’t it?
P.S. Call me what you want, it really doesn’t bother me, but I would like to see you come up with a little more than #*^@#* you on this topic please.