Idaho Late Archery

Way to get it done IDB!! Gotta be happy with a buck like that, that late in the season. Congrats!!

Your a smart man takin' your boss huntin' with you. Should kinda make it easier for you to take those day trips when you have to. ;)

Great story and pics.....
Man, next year I'm not shooting anything during the rifle hunt so I can make it on the late archery trip. Our clan will be huge if you continue to bag that many animals during a general archery hunt. Good job on the buck IB. The taliban man needs more credit since he technically shot a little buck!
nothing better than a good story that has pictures to see with it. congrats to all.
Someone that is Smart enough to go look up someones Unit in Wyoming should figure out a HAnd Gesture ?!?!? Bryce has the SHOCKA in every picture. Go look at our Wyoming pics... Utah Pics, New Mexico Pics, Etc.

And no, It's not one in the pink, one in the stink, thats a different sign !!!

okay, I guess I worded my question's not that I wanted to know what it means, I wanted to know why he does that in every picture? But, I see he either missed my question or ignored it, so I will have to just keep wondering why the heck he has to do that in his hunting pictures. To me it ruins his otherwise perfect photos. But I'm sure it's just me....
Great story and photos IB. I'll need to check the scale but I think I lost a pound and a half just thinking about you carrying that Muley on your back. That aint no "German Shepards with antlers".
okay, I guess I worded my question's not that I wanted to know what it means, I wanted to know why he does that in every picture? But, I see he either missed my question or ignored it, so I will have to just keep wondering why the heck he has to do that in his hunting pictures. To me it ruins his otherwise perfect photos. But I'm sure it's just me....
WH - I wasn't ignoring you at all. I've been strapped with time and don't post as much as usual. I would love to answer and respond to everyones response but I just don't get the chance. To answer your question it is part of my heritage I guess. I'm part Hawaiian and I always seem to do it. In Hawaiian the Shaka gesture means, awesome or everything is cool. When I wave to anyone I give them the "Shaka". Sorry it ruined the pictures for you but it seems a lot of pics I post bother you.

To everyone else thanks for the kudos. It seems weird cleaning up and putting everything away after such a long season. But I could use the rest. :D
It seems weird cleaning up and putting everything away after such a long season. But I could use the rest. :D

Uhhh you've already cleaned up ?!?!!? My Chizz is still scattered all over the garage. I keep telling my wife I'm not cleaning up and putting it up for the season.... I'm not giving up yet .. ;)

PS, I still have your glasses at my office, Paco !!

PSS. Me and the Wife says hi, It's all good, and everythings cool !!!!


Great buck and pics! Thanks for the shaka pics as well. Some people will never understand. I'm with BOHNTR, AZ sounds like a good idea!
Way to get it done IB.....congrats. Packing your bow up???? season over???? Hey, there's always AZ in January chasing rutting muleys! :D
Man, I would love too. I buy the license every year anyway so I should give it a try. One of these years I'll give it a try.
Congrats! Was your boss shooting and older Martin? That camo 'screams' Martin to me. I've only hunted with my bow 2 days in the last 4 years. I'm thinking I need to change that next year...
Thanks for the story and pics IB. I remember when NM had a January statewide over the counter hunt, what a blast. Now it's a draw so I haven't bothered for years.

Next year is the year. I can just feel it........

Last years post...You really did feel it. Let me know if you ever feel like you know what the powerball numbers are going to be. I'm gearing up for the late bow hunt and remembered this post so I sought it out. Congrats on a hell of a year. I imagine we still have Colorado and perhaps a second idaho deer tag we may be hearing about???
Colorado is done..... and there is more then jsut one tag left in the Bugler family.

Dang those guys that hunt hard anyways ;)

A kudos to the gang a year later as well !!!

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