PEAX Equipment

Idaho..... Killing bear/Cougar


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
F&G are killing 75 bear and 10 cougar up north ... Was posted in the paper today. They have too many so they are going to "THIN THEM OUT" and try to help the Elk heards...... HUmmmmm I will try yo post more Accurate info but wanted some thoughts on this?!?!!? Heck I would PAY to get a cougar!!!!!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


They are also only going to pack out the animals when it is convenient. If the animal is in a bad place it gets left to rot. This sticks in my craw as well. Ron
Well comes as no real suprise, they been crying uncle up there last couple yrs, trying to get people to hunt more, they opened it up to non-resident houndsmen last yr, as a over the counter, instead of the usuall draw, they have doubled the lion quota in a few areas up there, even opting to kill 2 on one tag, problem is where there having the trouble and need help is in the Lolo, Selway, and Middlefork zones, 10-1, 10-2, 12-1, 12-2, 16a 19, 20, 17, 17-1, 20a, 26, 27.......almost all this region is wilderness area, extremely remote and unaccesible, basically what I call no mans land, most areas theres no roads what so ever, only trailheads, I would say 95% of the houndsmen in the state don;t have the means or ability to hunt some of these areas, if they can't get people to hunt it, I geuss they have to do the managment themselves, They sent me a application for the permit last winter, I throwed it in the trash, down around here where I hunt I always say everytime you kill one that means there one less you can chase the next day, I'm all for conservation but in that country I would'nt get out of bed to try and attempt to hunt it, they can have at it.

Hey Gato,

Elaborate on the area a little access is minimal I understand...Is it excessable to Horses? the Idaho country i deal with is from Montpilier to Idaho falls. im not real familiar with the selway and other areas you mentioned.Bcat you Gettin all this you wanted to hunt Bear in Idaho?

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Sure you can access alot of it on horses during the summer months of course your not going to go anywhere in the winter with snow 4 feet+ deep in alot of areas, with snowmobile restrictions in alot of areas your very limited, some areas exremely rough terrain and steep, When they call it river of no return wilderness, there not chittin. I know few outfitters that hunt the middlefork in the winter, and have heard a few to many horror storys, this time of yr to hunt the middlefork you have to charter a plane out of challis to take you into it, just the ride in and out, keeps alot of people from going

Was thinking Early season Gato and Bcat. I got Long Legged horses but they aint that long....LOL Was thinking fall bear ... Does the area get Alot of Elk hunters?
Its a thought

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Bcat, lion closes March 31 almost all units except 1 I know closes end of april
Wolver, thats something you would have to do your homework on, yes there lots of people that elk and deer hunt these areas, you can;t run dogs in Idaho if theres a open rifle hunt going on it the same unit, but there are exceptions, exspecially to those areas I have mention, you would have to check into all the details, they issue those non-resident hound permits on a first come first serve basis to those regions, the regular draw takes place in Dec so if your lucky to draw your permit becomes active Jan.1, I imagine the over the counter permits are up for grabs on the day of the drawing for the other permits, I;m not exactly sure, I will however tell ya it will cost you 257 dollars just to turn out the first time, 128.50 for non-resident hunting license and 128.50 for hound permit....I finally had to move to Idaho to guarentte I could hunt, I only drew out of state permit once in 5 yrs after they shut us down in Oregon

F&G said they are using Helicopters snowmachines and stuff to access the back country...... If they are doing this, Why wouldn't they let me pay them $500 and Hunt a Bear from a chopper

Is that considered "FAIR CHASE" ?!?!?!?!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


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