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Idaho HB 265 - Public Lands

6speed, a couple of critical points in response to Nate's message. Idaho never owned those federal lands, so to advocate to "wrestle" them back shows ignorance of the facts. For Nate to propose Idaho assume all the costs for managing and supporting those lands is naive at best, but more likely merely ignorant of reality on his part.

That's the way I always understood it.

I could be wrong but I also thought the western states were given state land to place them on an equal footing with the eastern states. It might make for a weird shaped state with lots of islands if looked at from a "just-state-land" perspective but I think they (and/or the counties) also get federal dollars each year in lieu of property tax to pay them for their trouble and to help fund services to far flung areas. The states all signed on to this when they came into the union. Like I said, I could be wrong, but that's what I recall reading. It's not like the feds came in and took this land from the white people and now Nate is trying to get it back.
Right, Riley ... and as far as I know, those states were not involved in the Louisiana Purchase when the fedl govt cut a sweet deal for that large tract of land. Come to think of it ... those western states were not even a twinkle in the forefathers's eyes at that time in history.

So, Mr. Nate, where were you during those sixth grade history lessons?! "BAZINGA"!!!
Nate and 44 others like him passed this out of the House. Now it's up to the Senate. I assume it will pass the Senate as well and it will be up to Otter, who opposed the idea during his campaign, to decide if he is willing to enter into a compact that promotes an idea the US supreme court and Idaho's AG have both found to be illegal. Hopefully with the other recent expensive contract fiascos fresh in his mind he will veto the bill.
Nate and 44 others like him passed this out of the House. Now it's up to the Senate. I assume it will pass the Senate as well and it will be up to Otter, who opposed the idea during his campaign, to decide if he is willing to enter into a compact that promotes an idea the US supreme court and Idaho's AG have both found to be illegal. Hopefully with the other recent expensive contract fiascos fresh in his mind he will veto the bill.

IIRC in the debate I watched Otter didn't exactly come out against the idea, just that it probably wouldn't work. If he signs it I imagine it's to bolster his conservative street cred for a fourth term in office.:rolleyes:
This bill is held in committee. Take a minute and send a thank you message to Senators, Cameron, Heider, Stennett, Lacey and as hard as it is to believe Siddoway. These people need to hear from us more than just before a vote. A little praise to combat the sometimes well earned brow beating.
And send a message to those that gave a yay on it...

Bair, Vick, Brackett and Nuxoll...and let them know how displeased you are with them, and come election time they will be remembered.
Really??? I'm all for giving credit where it's due, but I'm having a hard time beliving this one.

No joke. I wouldn't say he doesn't have something worse up his sleeve but he helped stop this for a year so for now it's done. Hopefully there will be enough pressure from sportsmen that this won't come up next session.
I appreciated this response from Representative Gannon:

HB 265, the compact to try to privatize public lands, is defeated.

Dear Jeff,
Thank you for contacting me regarding HB 265, which would establish a legal “Compact” with Utah and possibly other states with a goal to privatize more of our federal public lands. I voted against the bill in the House of Representatives as I believe cooperation and collaboration are a better way to manage our government. I also became concerned that the bill violated the separation of powers in our Constitution, and I asked for an Attorney General opinion because the Legislature was to manage the “Compact” and I don’t think the Legislature can do that.

HB 265 passed the House, but it was defeated in a Senate Committee for another reason too: Your emails and public pressure were VERY IMPORTANT influences upon this decision.

I would like to add that, historically, Idaho never owned the public lands in 1890 when we became a State. I am really not understanding the argument that the federal public lands somehow belong to the State. I note the State of Idaho owns over a million acres of “Endowment Lands” which produce revenue for our needs. These lands were granted to the State of Idaho by the Federal Government in 1890, so I don’t understand why they were granted to Idaho, if indeed Idaho owns them already.

Please always keep in touch, and again, THANK YOU, for your participation.

Representative John Gannon