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Idaho hates NRs.

I think all states in the west need to double resident tag prices across the board. For the amount of meat deer and elk tags under $50 dollars is a smoking good deal.
I feel a little bad for you ID residents. We pulled up to a trailhead this fall, all nine of the rigs were out of state. But I've yet to meet a prick in the woods in ID. WA is full of them!
Certainly better than my California days. That was an A-hole free-for-all.

I have a theory that the number of jerks is directly proportional to the population of wild pigs in the state. Youtube seems to support it.

Not you, @noharleyyet ;), We'll leave the lantern lit for you.
Since 1990, Idaho has kept the same cap on NR deer/elk tags, if I recall correctly. In that same time, Idaho has added 780,000 new residents, of which I suspect a good percentage are now resident hunters. To say that crowding is the result of non-residents is not supported by the figures.

Doesn't mean good entertainment can't be derived from blaming non-residents for all that is wrong with hunting in whatever state. Hell, blaming non-residents is considered another form of sport in the west.

Carry on .......
I looked up the license sales published in the commissioner report. I removed the fishing licenses categories from total license sales to roughly get hunting license sales.

2011 resident hunting licenses - roughly 217k.
2019 resident hunting licenses - roughly 216k. Flat sales.

Total resident license sales, which includes fish, rose from 352k to 368k, a 4.5% increase.

2011 NR hunting - 40k
2019 NR hunting - 58k. A 45% increase.

Total NR licenses increased from 171k to 226k, a 32% increase.

Resident deer rose 14% and elk 20%.

NR deer and elk license sales both rose 50%.
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I looked up the license sales published in the commissioner report. I removed the fishing licenses categories from total license sales to roughly get hunting license sales.

2011 resident hunting licenses - roughly 217k.
2019 resident hunting licenses - roughly 216k. Flat sales.

Total resident license sales, which includes fish, rose from 352k to 368k, a 4.5% increase.

2011 NR hunting - 40k
2019 NR hunting - 58k. A 45% increase.

Total NR licenses increased from 171k to 226k, a 32% increase.

Resident deer rose 14% and elk 20%.

NR deer and elk license sales both rose 50%.

So the nonresident contribution to total hunting license sales was a 6% increase? If resident license sales are essentially flat, a 6% total increase in pressure doesn't seem like much to complain about.
a 6% total increase in pressure doesn't seem like much to complain about.

Until you actually live it... No one thinks that the pressure and congestion is just due to non-resident participation. But it is a factor that can not be ignored. There are too many people, period. Other factors need to be addressed as well, and the Idaho Fish and Game needs to manage and not profit on Idaho's wildlife.

I don't like limiting anyone from utilizing something that belongs to everyone. But something has to be done.
Until you actually live it... No one thinks that the pressure and congestion is just due to non-resident participation. But it is a factor that can not be ignored. There are too many people, period. Other factors need to be addressed as well, and the Idaho Fish and Game needs to manage and not profit on Idaho's wildlife.

I don't like limiting anyone from utilizing something that belongs to everyone. But something has to be done.

I've been hunting Idaho since 2008 and have witnessed the increase in pressure. I don't have any gripe with what Idaho is doing. They should be responsive to their residents. They're just following the trend of hunting in the west. Supply and demand.

I do find those numbers brymoore provided very interesting though.
No - b/c you have a shitload of new resident hunters everywhere with more coming from the communist state of Kalifornia, the People's Republic of Oregon and King Inslee's Washington State
Boy did I ever get a wake up call on blue states. Flew out to Oregon this year to burn my NR points and took wife to Yosemite. This was gas price in CA compared to price at home in Indiana when we returned. Same for hotel prices. Wife and I got 5 star resort hotels in Reno for the same $100/nite as the fleabag hotels in Lakeview, OR. While there took a drive to Washington insane breakfast price. All my 44 OR points were burned and I have zero desire to return to any of these four blue states. I'm lucky to have a highly flexible work from home job where I can choose to live in 7 different midwest states. Got the hell out of Illinois two years ago and our choice was solely based on liberal taxes. Like Wisconsin but it's mortgaged to outrageous state employee pensions too and other hidden taxes like Illinois. So we picked conservative north central Indiana. Lowest cost of living in US. 3/2/2 1600 SF ranch on 1/2 acre = $116k with property tax of $880/year, capped by state constitution at 1%. We love it so far. Burden of subsidizing other people is very low here.


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Since 1990, Idaho has kept the same cap on NR deer/elk tags, if I recall correctly. In that same time, Idaho has added 780,000 new residents, of which I suspect a good percentage are now resident hunters. To say that crowding is the result of non-residents is not supported by the figures.


I work in the real estate industry and live in a subdivision that is still being built. About 9 of the 10 neighbors I’ve met are from CA, WA and CO. Only 1 local.

At one point, there were 2 Boise zip codes in the top 5 zips in the country for fastest increasing markets. Unreal.
Probably a lot of new drivers licenses being issued to people named Gavin and Karen.

Are there any conservative safe spaces left? Wait - don't answer that as I don't want to ruin whatever's left.
I think all states in the west need to double resident tag prices across the board. For the amount of meat deer and elk tags under $50 dollars is a smoking good deal.
Absolutely. Same story with NR tags.
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The same discussion is going on, on another forum. My response:
Ya’ll who are whining are weird. WY is general OTC for residents, MT the same..... they limit nonresidents and have higher licenses, am I missing something???? Why are you whining, because Idaho followed suite? Get over it, it will never go back to how it was! Estimated growth this past year is 200,000. Say 10% are hunters, that’s 20k new hunters which = $650k more from residents just on a combo license. So Idaho can handle a few less nonresidents. And I’m sure IDFG crunched the numbers so there funding doesn’t go down! My numbers are just examples. Wishful thinking from many......

This was in response to people comparing it to other western states, hopefully they will stop hunting these other states as well so I don’t need as many PP to draw as a nonresident lol 😂
Boy did I ever get a wake up call on blue states. Flew out to Oregon this year to burn my NR points and took wife to Yosemite. This was gas price in CA compared to price at home in Indiana when we returned. Same for hotel prices. Wife and I got 5 star resort hotels in Reno for the same $100/nite as the fleabag hotels in Lakeview, OR. While there took a drive to Washington insane breakfast price. All my 44 OR points were burned and I have zero desire to return to any of these four blue states. I'm lucky to have a highly flexible work from home job where I can choose to live in 7 different midwest states. Got the hell out of Illinois two years ago and our choice was solely based on liberal taxes. Like Wisconsin but it's mortgaged to outrageous state employee pensions too and other hidden taxes like Illinois. So we picked conservative north central Indiana. Lowest cost of living in US. 3/2/2 1600 SF ranch on 1/2 acre = $116k with property tax of $880/year, capped by state constitution at 1%. We love it.
Be careful who you tell. People love to come to a good place and turn it into the cesspool they left. Does sound nice though.
Be careful who you tell. People love to come to a good place and turn it into the cesspool they left. Does sound nice though.
I don't expect anyone to be interested. Population in this small town has remained at 21,000 since 1950! Nothing fancy, country life but not too far from Chicago or South Bend. Wife is retired and I am semi-retired. And we have a condo in Sichuan, China paid off too. That makes for some exotic travel yearly.
Boy did I ever get a wake up call on blue states. Flew out to Oregon this year to burn my NR points and took wife to Yosemite. This was gas price in CA compared to price at home in Indiana when we returned. Same for hotel prices. Wife and I got 5 star resort hotels in Reno for the same $100/nite as the fleabag hotels in Lakeview, OR. While there took a drive to Washington insane breakfast price. All my 44 OR points were burned and I have zero desire to return to any of these four blue states. I'm lucky to have a highly flexible work from home job where I can choose to live in 7 different midwest states. Got the hell out of Illinois two years ago and our choice was solely based on liberal taxes. Like Wisconsin but it's mortgaged to outrageous state employee pensions too and other hidden taxes like Illinois. So we picked conservative north central Indiana. Lowest cost of living in US. 3/2/2 1600 SF ranch on 1/2 acre = $116k with property tax of $880/year, capped by state constitution at 1%. We love it.
Reno? Wasn’t NV a blue state? This post is riddled with absurdity. Enjoy Indiana.
Can’t wait to get back there next year. Had a seriously great turkey and deer season and will pay the increase to do it again!


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Reno? Wasn’t NV a blue state? This post is riddled with absurdity. Enjoy Indiana.
Good point I don't pay much attention but it seems Nevada is gradually switching from red to blue? This was my first time to Reno since 1970. The city is full of homeless people, especially the old downtown and Truckee Riverwalk. The newer casino's isolate themselves a mile+ west of this fiasco in self contained resort environments where grocery cart pushing bums can be restricted. But many still doze the day away in the shade on artificial turf next to the sidewalks. That's Reno. But so far on weekdays you can get upgraded rooms at 5 star resorts with great pools for $100/nite. This salvaged two pathetic hunting trips to southern Oregon for us. I'll return one more time when I burn my 24 NV pronghorn points. I expect it'll be completely blue by then.
The most frustrating part about reading through a discussion like this is that many of the complaints are based on false premises. I won't waste my time trying to address individual complaints but just to clarify what the changes were and why they were made I will add the following.

Idaho has always had a quota for General NR deer tags (not including tags by NR in the controlled hunts in which the limit is up to 10%). 14,000 that can be purchased as Regular deer tags or Whitetail Deer tags and an additional 1,500 that can only be sold as whitetail deer tags. Historically these could be used in any general season unit in the state. Because of this IDFG had no mechanism to distribute NR hunting pressure. As a result, the areas adjacent to other states with limited hunting opportunity, like Utah and Washington, have a higher percentage of NR hunters than units that are further from the border. The panhandle gets hammered by Washington hunters, Southeast Idaho gets hammered by Utah hunters. Overall, NR are 14% of deer hunters in Idaho. But in certain areas they are much more. In a particular Southeastern Idaho area, NR made up 30% of hunters. NR hunters are also 30% of the total in the panhandle area. While in other units only 5-8% of hunters are NR. These new quotas force NR out of the high pressure units and into units with lower pressure.

The purpose of these changes is to more evenly distribute NR hunting pressure. Deer units that had over 15% NR in the total number of hunters are now reduced to 15% of the total. If the percentage of NR was under 15% those units will now be capped at 10%. Some units will see a reduction in NR numbers while others see a slight increase.

Summary: THE TOTAL NUMBER OF DEER TAGS AVAILABLE TO NR HAS NOT CHANGED. The only change is that NR now have to choose a specific unit and each unit is now limited by a quota. This was done to spread out NR hunting pressure.

Now for the elk tags.
Idaho offers 12,815 General season NR elk tags. This does not include the elk tags drawn in controlled hunts. Historically some of the Elk Zones had quotas and other did not. Some non-quota zones had as much as 40% NR participation. Now all Elk Zones will have a quota and NR participation will be limited to 15% in some zones and 10% in others. The exception is that in previously capped zones the quota will not change and NR will continue to have a higher percentage of tags. For example the Lolo Zone B-tags will continue to allow 42% of tags to go to NR.

Summary: THE TOTAL NUMBER OF ELK TAGS AVAILABLE TO NR HAS NOT CHANGED. The only change is that every elk zone is now limited by a quota. This was done to spread out NR hunting pressure.

Of course a lot of the new hunting pressure is due to the increase in resident hunters. Below are total elk and deer hunter numbers by year going back to 2005 according to the statewide summary reports. Since the NR quota hasn't changed in 20 years the fluctuations can be assumed to be due to increases and decreases in residents. (with the exception of the years between 2008 and 2019 when residents purchased leftover NR tags and there were fewer NR due to a voluntary lack of participation). However, when there is a recognized excess of pressure in certain units it makes sense and seems fair that NR opportunity should be reduced before resident opportunity is reduced.

Total Idaho Elk hunters

23,000 more resident hunters than 15 years ago.

Total Idaho Deer hunters

14,000 more resident hunters than 15 years ago.
Boy did I ever get a wake up call on blue states. Flew out to Oregon this year to burn my NR points and took wife to Yosemite. This was gas price in CA compared to price at home in Indiana when we returned. Same for hotel prices. Wife and I got 5 star resort hotels in Reno for the same $100/nite as the fleabag hotels in Lakeview, OR. While there took a drive to Washington insane breakfast price. All my 44 OR points were burned and I have zero desire to return to any of these four blue states. I'm lucky to have a highly flexible work from home job where I can choose to live in 7 different midwest states. Got the hell out of Illinois two years ago and our choice was solely based on liberal taxes. Like Wisconsin but it's mortgaged to outrageous state employee pensions too and other hidden taxes like Illinois. So we picked conservative north central Indiana. Lowest cost of living in US. 3/2/2 1600 SF ranch on 1/2 acre = $116k with property tax of $880/year, capped by state constitution at 1%. We love it so far. Burden of subsidizing other people is very low here.
I'd rather cut my nuts off then smash them with a sledge than live in IN. It literally says in my will that should my wife and I die before our kids are adults they cannot be moved to Indiana (where my SIL lives). There is more to life than politics and taxes.

But sure...

WA sucks.
I'd rather cut my nuts off then smash them with a sledge than live in IN. It literally says in my will that should my wife and I die before our kids are adults they cannot be moved to Indiana (where my SIL lives). There is more to life than politics and taxes.

But sure...
View attachment 164758

WA sucks.
That colorful sunset is just clouds of meth smoke drifting in from Oregon. I’m not impressed.

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