Idaho for retirement ?


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2019
Well kids the time is getting their and Im thinking of hanging it up for a slower paced life starting to look at building lots near Salmon
a few other areas as well the reason of a building lot from just a lot to 5 acres is IM a builder and everything I look at in my price range I would have to do a lot of stuff to
Ive got it worked out to paying for the lot and build without a loan doing a lot myself to do it as I want . Im not going to build anything big just a 12 to 1400 sq ft ranch with a full porch an open floor plan
My Moms 90 and doing ok but just ok as long as she is still with me Ill stay in Pa but thinking of getting the lot sub out the foundation and get it under roof in the mean time
The reason Idaho is Ive spent many Septembers their over the yrs and know quiet a few great folks and just love the state
Reality- if you're a lifelong PA native, there is nearly nothing that can prepare you for a full winter (Mid-Oct until April) in Eastern Idaho, Eastern Montana, or the Dakota's. In the summer its hot, dry, and dusty, but the wind blows every day. However, in the winter time it's cold, dark, and wet, but at least the wind blows every day.
Wherever you end up, I wish you well and happy hunting.
Not sure how ID compares to WY but we retired.from NH to WY and heard all the horror stories from above.. HOWEVER nobody mentions humidity, or lack of it out here. Yes winter can drag on, and -25 is cold, but when we go back to NH for Christmas, WE FREEZE. 20 there seems worse than 0 here. Snow here is mostly a joke, it doesn't last long and wind blows it away. We get WAY LESS snow accumulation here and we live at 5000 feet. .The lack of humidity is key
We had planned to be in ID this week, but the well productivity on the place we put money on was not up to standard. So back to the drawing board.

Our plan is northern panhandle. More snow, more humid, than eastern ID. But I am simply not man enough for eastern ID winters. Wind. Cold wind. Lots of it.

ID is not the most retirement friendly as taxes go, but better than our New Mexico, it gets us closer to our grandkids, and more hunting and fishing than I will ever be able to put a dent into.

Come on in.
We have quite the wave of boomers coming in post covid. I think 1/3 the population is new to the state.
Been passing in the right lane a lot lately. Lucky its only an issues for half the year because they don't like driving in the snow.
Hopefully I can score a lot of hoarded ammo and reloading supplies at estate sales in the next 10 years. :)
Caribou Gear

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