Idaho Fires 2021

I’m kinda disappointed some of the northern Idaho backcountry ones aren’t having more growth as they had a chance to do some serious good for elk habitat. We still have ways to go on fire season though
I'll meet you in Disalto Ck next year.
Yeah,the Trail Creek isn't looking good either if comes back down into Idaho low enough it'll be a nasty insane mess with all the houses in that part of the world.
Now have the Haynes fires on the mountain just SSE of Salmon between the 2 highways. Sounds nasty and burning like a banshee.
Yeah,the Trail Creek isn't looking good either if comes back down into Idaho low enough it'll be a nasty insane mess with all the houses in that part of the world.
Now have the Haynes fires on the mountain just SSE of Salmon between the 2 highways. Sounds nasty and burning like a banshee.
I see a new one on the Montana side call Mine Creek? reported today.
I’m kinda disappointed some of the northern Idaho backcountry ones aren’t having more growth as they had a chance to do some serious good for elk habitat. We still have ways to go on fire season though
Glad to know I'm not the only one who loves fire season and watches closely hoping for some of the northern Idaho jungles to burn.
My brother sent me a photo from the Snake River the other day. That fire is reported at about 40,000 acres (mostly grass/scrub). So far, his cabin has been spared.

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Now over 100k acres- I will say that even though these fires suck and are terrible, those hillsides will be SOOO Green next Spring. Sounds crazy but that break country was meant to burn regularly to regenerate. Us humans caused the problems by stopping ALL fires for 100yrs. and allowing the forest floor or grassland fuels to build up to super levels such that what would have been a “cool lite” fire now will be a sterilizing inferno! Hope your Bro’s cabin and Everyone’s property is still safe!
Glad to know I'm not the only one who loves fire season and watches closely hoping for some of the northern Idaho jungles to burn.
As “bad” as this may sound on the surface level, I’m right here with you! It’s what everyone needs, especially the Elk! It would be great to see about 50k-200k acres burn in small chunks all over the Panhandle
Well as a Central Oregonian I’ve been keeping a fairly close eye on the Bootleg as it raises hell to our southeast. Then I get the call (and the attached vid) from one of my hunting partners from when I worked down in Cali. His folks place and the ground they used to let us hunt down in Greenville just went up in flames. Folks were early 80s... he said they’re just numb from this taking their place.
Sad week this has been.

I worked the Carr (Redding) and Camp (Paradise) fires in NorCal and you just can’t ever get used to when these event take into towns.

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