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Idaho Elk Tags SOLD OUT

I understand it and fairly they will still be overall cheaper but the overall quality is less than MT, WY and NM so i am torn. I have been hunting idaho for 6 years and during elk season i see more hunters a typical day than i do in a WY season so i think its a number of tag problems res&nonres. Idahos a growing state i dont think raising fees help that.... and whats with $80 archery stamp on top of a archery only tag(should be included)? I do wish they would change the tag fee upfront for big 3 tags or atleast speed up refunds.
I loved my last Idaho archery elk hunt, but that fee increase is a whopper. States need to increase local costs and stop relying on non-residents to pay the bills. All the states.

Agreed. My tag is $29. I wish it was $59 or $79. A $2100 non-resident trophy tag fee makes me cringe.
I'm not sure, but there are not too many areas in Idaho that a guy can get two Elk tags. Mostly it is just a extra "X" tag or a special deprivation hunt, and mainly in northern Idaho I think. At least I'm not aware of any others.

Not to be contradictory, but I can get a 2nd tag in half the zones. I have a "B" tag in a good zone and an "A" tag in a good zone.

A resident can get 2 bull tags and 2 buck tags every single year in 50% of the state. And if your on the good side of 40% draw odds, you can get a 3rd tag ("extra" anterless) as well.
My uncle and buddy Andy are coming out to hunt with me in september. Well dipstick andy will be just deer hunting cause he ignored my texts and tag updates telling him to hurry up and buy your tag!
[QUOTE="Bowhuntrben, post: 2864289, member: ] I’ll go places closer to home with less expensive tags.
Curious where that is? For a tag that doesn’t suck.
I loved my last Idaho archery elk hunt, but that fee increase is a whopper. States need to increase local costs and stop relying on non-residents to pay the bills. All the states.
naw . come to my state you pay to play.

don't like it , stay home. it's what I do.😁 ;)
Not to be contradictory, but I can get a 2nd tag in half the zones. I have a "B" tag in a good zone and an "A" tag in a good zone.

A resident can get 2 bull tags and 2 buck tags every single year in 50% of the state. And if your on the good side of 40% draw odds, you can get a 3rd tag ("extra" anterless) as well.

Okay, I'm not too sure how you did that but good on ya! You're a lucky person.
Attached is exerts from the regulations that basically says what I attempted to say.


Curious where that is? For a tag that doesn’t suck.

Never said the tag didn’t suck 😉 I’ve never been known as an elk killer so I still have fun with a sucky tag. I will be burning some points the next few years anyway (hopefully!) and won’t have a chance to go there. Maybe once the points run out I’ll reevaluate. The initial incentive of it being pretty reasonable price for both elk and deer tags is gone however. If I do ultimately go to Idaho, at least then I can apply for one of the big three without buying a license just to do that.
That's my point, where are you going to find an elk tag cheaper, that doesn't suck. i.e. Utah General

Idaho has great elk hunting for a guy willing to get after it. If people are gonna bitch about tag increases, or being "priced out", stay home. Plenty to fill the void.
I'm torn, as my day job is to analyze "market value", and understand that Idaho has provided the best value to NR's among
probably all of the western states.

But I also don't want the working man to be priced out of a fun hunt with their family. It's tricky. If those proposals are approved,
And the fact that it could be the last legitimate OTC elk tag in the west
(not sure if CO went through with their deal or not?).

CO still has true OTC... and offers more NR tags that all other states combined, that’s actual not hyperbolic.

I always go back and forth on this one, I like the idea of allowing your average personal to hunt elk... but as long as states allow the average resident to hunt why should they worry about the average guy in Mississippi? In some ways western states could solve a lot of issues simply by doubling tag prices across the board, and then doubling them again of demand doesn’t let up.
CO still has true OTC... and offers more NR tags that all other states combined, that’s actual not hyperbolic.

I always go back and forth on this one, I like the idea of allowing your average personal to hunt elk... but as long as states allow the average resident to hunt why should they worry about the average guy in Mississippi? In some ways western states could solve a lot of issues simply by doubling tag prices across the board, and then doubling them again of demand doesn’t let up.

You shut your dirty mouth!

Also, demand might not let up initially, but I have a hard time imagining that you wouldn't quickly start pricing new hunters out of the market and be hurting in the long run. I hear your point though about taking care of the residents. It hurts but I get it. It would probably push a guy like me to move.
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