PEAX Equipment

Idaho drawing results are up! Anyone get lucky?

Now why does Idaho have to ruin my three year streak of only OTC and general tags?... Finally drew something. They wanna give me a Mule deer permit! ;)
I drew a unit 54 nov hunt! If any of you have hunted it i would love to see some deer photos
I don't worry about the score to much but i have the whole hunt off so I'm hoping to find a trashy looking buck but i will be happy with any mature buck that looks good to me.
I drew a 66a late rifle elk tag (Oct 15-24). Excited to try something different. I've never hunted mid-late October.

If anybody hunts the general deer season that overlaps this elk hunt, I'd like to hear how the deer hunting pressure typically is (I will only be after elk).
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Wow that is a dream hunt. 54 is an awesome unit. I love hunting that sage country. Any word on the winter kill? I have a few buddies hunting the general season. I've only hunted it once but I put in in for it every time I put in for Idaho. I love that place! Where are you from?
Utah. I don't know much about unit 54 so I will be putting some time in trying to figure thing out by Nov.

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