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Idaho Draw Controversy

What a cluster. He says "first opportunity to hunt taken away"... um this is Idaho, the opportunity state. Most of the state is either sex deer for youth with does all over the place and plenty of otc elk. I think jr would be just fine if they reversed it but daddy on the other hand is planning a premium hunt already.

I'm with wapitibob, the computer should have handled it in the first place.
What a cluster. He says "first opportunity to hunt taken away"... um this is Idaho, the opportunity state. Most of the state is either sex deer for youth with does all over the place and plenty of otc elk. I think jr would be just fine if they reversed it but daddy on the other hand is planning a premium hunt already.

Sheese what a dumb thing to let happen, as if IDF&G doesn't have enough enemies outside of their agency.
The decision is bull chit. My 10-year old is excited to hunt this year - he wanted to apply for bull moose. I called IDFG after the governor signed the law and was told not to apply for trophy or biggame draw as the law doesn't take effect until July 1. My son follows the rules and is waiting patiently for the second draw. A bunch of CHEATERS apply illegally and get rewarded with tags.
Final Release...

Fish And Game Director Upholds Original Draw; Adds Tags

After careful review and consideration, Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore has chosen to allow all tags drawn on June 23rd for controlled hunts in Idaho to be awarded to those whose license numbers were chosen. To compensate for the tags that went to youth hunters under the age of twelve, the Director will release 283 additional tags to be drawn for those deer, elk and pronghorn hunts which have a limited number of tags. All existing applicants who were eligible prior to July 1 will be included in that draw.

The additional tags are being released in response to hunters who felt their chances of drawing a tag were diminished by the entries of 9 to 11 year olds. Hunts where these additional tags apply will be posted on the Fish and Game website July 2. That drawing will take place as soon as possible, and the results will by available by July 10 on Fish and Game's website.

Those who were successful in the original drawing and those who are selected in the additional drawing will have until August 1 to pick up their tags.

The new law allowing ten and eleven year olds to hunt big game in Idaho went into effect today, July 1, 2014. Director Moore says there was no Commission rule that established the guidelines which excluded 9 to11 year olds who would not be 12 this fall from the June 23rd drawing. It was an administrative decision based on Fish and Game's interpretation of the law. He believes approximately 1,000 youth and their parents who did not understand that interpretation entered the drawing. 316 of those youth hunters were drawn.

"I stand by these kids, their parents and their excitement, in allowing them to proceed with their first hunting opportunity for big game using these permits." said Director Moore. "I simply cannot bring myself to disappoint them given the confusion about this issue."

The 1500 youth hunters who understood the guidelines and did not enter the first drawing will receive an apology letter from Director Moore and a gift certificate equivalent to the control hunt application fee which they can use toward the second drawing in August. Because the law is now in effect, any hunter who will be at least ten years old by the time of the hunts will be eligible to apply. Applications for the second drawing will be accepted August 5th though August 15th.

Director Moore's open letter to Idaho hunters is posted on the front page of Fish and Game's website:
Sweet, just make more tags available! Sounds like reasonable game management to me! sheesh.....
I love this quote on the Magic Valley Fish & Game link...

"This year's applications for big game controlled hunts produced record numbers. However, a new law that went into effect July 1 allowing 10 and 11 year olds to hunt big game caused some confusion during the first controlled hunt application period. See Director Moore's full explanation in his open letter below."

So this is what we have to look forward to on our controlled hunts now, even less of a chance of drawing because 9,10 & 11 year olds can put in for hunts now. I'm all for these youngsters going on a cool hunt, but they also have a hell of a lot longer time to be putting in for hunts then the rest of us...idk. This whole thing is just a mistake, and ridiculous. We could spend time going back and forth on this issue again, but what's the point. Kudo's to MT for making the right decision when they had this issue on their agenda.
So the kids that were not in the draw per the rules are still out of the added tags draw? That is how I'm reading this. Kick em when they're down I guess. But hey kids you get a .1% chance in the second draw with your free gift card...
Bad situation,this is a tough one, maybe the kids should keep the tags, but at least I would like to see all group applications which had 10yr olds on them ,which I understand most were, have all the adult tags invalidated ,which is what normally happens if one individual in the group is not eligible ,the whole application is booted out.
What a cluster. He says "first opportunity to hunt taken away"... um this is Idaho, the opportunity state. Most of the state is either sex deer for youth with does all over the place and plenty of otc elk. I think jr would be just fine if they reversed it but daddy on the other hand is planning a premium hunt already.

I'm with wapitibob, the computer should have handled it in the first place.

Amen ^^^^^

It's these greedy parents that are just mad they didn't get to piggy back on their kids.

If they really want it to be about the kids hunting, no parent or grandparent should be able to hold a coveted OIL tag with the child. Give the kid a quality hunt and leave your pockets empty. JMHO
What a cluster-copulation!!

In OK, if one person on the app is ineligible the whole group gets kicked out. Needs to be the same there, in my NR opinion. I realize it's not fair to the kids but it wasn't fair to anybody else that applied correctly to start with. Life isn't fair. The earlier people learn that the better off they are. I know plenty of adults that would've benefited from that lesson many moons ago.
Very well put. There WILL BE disappointments in life.

QUOTE=fowladdict1;2371705]it really isn't that is on the parents to say..."Hey Your old man screwed up...I am sorry. Your daddy wasn't following the law and we always have to follow the law."

They are kids they will get over it, but be better for it if the parents make an effort to explain that people should never benefit from failing to follow the rules.

The rules are clear, the childs application should be thrown out and the whole party application as well.[/QUOTE]
After some time on the hunting forums, you learn that the "it's not fair" syndrome comes full circle and daddy is the one crying "it's not fair".
+1 WB. You could have gave those kids an ice cream and said I'm sorry, and all would have been forgiven. They aren't hunting freaks yet...just kids who want to play and have fun.
+1 with the rest. Dads are just being winers because the tag they were "given" is not real, nor should it be.

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