ID statewide ATV group steps into fray...

Ten Bears

New member
May 20, 2004
North Idaho
February 15, 2006

Dear Chairman Schroeder:

Gem State ATV Association of Idaho represents the interests of ATV users throughout the state of Idaho. Section 5 of our by laws states “The purpose is to cooperate with public land-use regulatory agencies, but always reserving the right to oppose regulations the Association considers unfair and/or not serving the best interests of the members.” concerns regarding pending rules issued by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, specifically, the motorized vehicle restrictions in Units identified in section 412 of the Rules Governing the Taking of Big Game, Docket 13-0108-0501. This rule defines off-road vehicles as a method of take and restricts their use to roads shared with highway licensed vehicles.

The original intent of the Department’s restrictions on motorized vehicle use was to address specific concerns in one hunting unit. Since that first year the number of Units with motorized vehicle restrictions continues to expand on an annual basis. In the Panhandle of Idaho, Fish and Game has convinced the United States Forest Service to close all authorized ATV Trails for 9 months of the year. This situation is getting totally out of hand.

The public depends on the consistent application of lawful rules and regulations. We believe this rule and its implementation may be resulting in increased conflict, controversy and confusion regarding travel management on Idaho’s National Forests and public lands.

For the above reasons, we would like to ask that you schedule hearings on this rule and you solicit public testimony for your consideration. We request that we be allowed to provide testimony during the hearings. If you have any questions, please contact us.


Michael L. Mallory
Vice President
After spending last weekend with a volunteer ATV group for work I was floored how closely this supposebly organized group trying to make ATV's look good and get access to areas fit basically every stereotype that is out there on ATV riders. It was almost bad enough that I questioned whether I wanted to ever be seen riding one again. I think the rules IDFG are proposing, and gem state atv are opposed to, would be to great benefit to our game species and to the general hunt experience. Its too bad this group can't look past the need to ride everywhere and see the benefit to these rules. Thanks for the site though, now I'll have someone to write to and tell them I think they are in the wrong for their views.
From their website;

"They continue to close massive areas, either to legal hunters, or in North Idaho, to entire ATV populations"

Ten Beers, Help me out here, where are these massive areas closed to legal hunters?
FCB, I think they are referring to the hunting units that are closed to the use of ATV's during hunting season. I don't know for sure as I'm not a member, and I only found the site yesterday.

TTONE, I have been similarly unimpressed by some segments of these organizations, but I have seen good works done as well.
Greenhorn said:
ATV Populations? Haha that's funny.

Even funnier is that they distinguish between legal hunters AND between, in Northern Idaho, ATV populations. Right on their own page, they acknowledge that legal hunters are not ATV populations.
They are just trying to increase the "trophy" quality. With less places to ride and spend their money, ATVers will spend more time saving and shopping for bigger and better ATVs. Soon these areas will re open and an ATV hunter will be able to see herds of 600 cc and 800 cc ATVs roaming freely, instead of the puny 300cc and 400cc dinks you see today.

The real wild card is "what if wolves start eating ATVs" ?
What will the ATV huggers do then ?

What state will produce the first 1000cc ATV ?

I hear in Texas, they have high fence ATV farms, feed em high octane gas and let them sleep in garages at night !

It's all getting to be to much, I think we need to start a new organization,

"The Rocky Mountian ATV Foundation"

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