I was just wondering....

or 6.1% of Arizona, is "landlocked" by privately owned lands and not legally accessible by public means such as established right-of-ways, easements, etc

posted every 100 feet?? not according to statutes
http://www.azleg.state.az.us/search/oop/qfullhit.asp?CiWebHitsFile=/ars/17/00304.htm&CiRestriction=trespassing&CiQueryFile=/search/ars.idq&CiBeginHilite=<b>&CiEndHilite=</ b>&CiUserParam3=..//ars/title17.htm&CiHiliteType=Full

17-304. Prohibition by landowner upon hunting; posting; exception

A. Landowners or lessees of private land who desire to prohibit hunting, fishing or trapping on their lands without their written permission shall post such lands closed to hunting, fishing or trapping using notices or signboards.

B. State or federal lands including those under lease may not be posted except by consent of the commission.

C. The notices or signboards shall meet all of the following criteria:

1. Be not less than eight inches by eleven inches with plainly legible wording in capital and bold-faced lettering at least one inch high.

2. Contain the words "no hunting", "no trapping" or "no fishing" either as a single phrase or in any combination.

3. Be conspicuously placed on a structure or post at least four feet above ground level at all points of vehicular access, at all property or fence corners and at intervals of not more than one-quarter mile along the property boundary, except that a post with one hundred square inches or more of orange paint may serve as the interval notices between property or fence corners and points of vehicular access. The orange paint shall be clearly visible and shall cover the entire aboveground surface of the post facing outward and on both lateral sides from the closed area.

D. The entry of any person for the taking of wildlife shall not be grounds for an action for trespassing unless the land has been posted pursuant to this section.

you AZ guys do have it easier than we do in IL though, only the main entrance has to be posted and you are supposed to have a permission slip from the land owner even if the land is not posted......

MD , did I get you fired up?
No sense of humor? Me? hehehehehehe

MD's reply to Mars?
I tip my hat to you for admitting your error.
I was not trying to be a meanie, but I did know I was right on this issue. I will tell you now, it is not always easy to establish land ownership, and when you do, it takes luck and a pretty good gift to get good at acuiring permission to hunt private lands........partly because landowners are tired of hunters not respecting their rights and property. You may very well be hunting a place where the landowner could care less, but I would hate to see you charged in the event he does not allow hunting.

All states and rules concerning private lands are different. But it is a prtty safe bet in most all cases, the landowner does have a say whether or not his land gets hunted.

cjcj......I should not even respond to such a ridiculous post.
You are not even aware of the laws in your own state.
Misinformation is a very dangerous thing.
You should get educated before spewing stuff on the net. Someone might take you seriously.

My hat is also tipped, as it is great for someone to accept education and opinions. You might actually be the first person in Sportsman's Issues to actually acknowledge an Open Mind.
by the way i have killed a cow elk on what was unmarked PRIVATE land, and the game warden came by and checked my tag, he never even mentioned anything so ridicules as POACHING, he even went so far as to tell me how to get my truck around the fence to pick up the elk, you are uninformed about arizona, and it seem`s you will stay this way, i have hunted here for 40 yrs. and NEVER had a problem with a hunt if it`s marked no hunting/no tresspassing then i stay off the land that`s all there is to it!
This is as far as I'm digging! I can't find any info on the poaching private land deal.I read where its considered the unlawful taking of game because you tipped it over during a trespass on posted land.
I also read where you can lose you hunting licsense for up to 5 years for being on POSTED land without permission. Arizona requires posting any private land that you don't want hunted. But then again it states that the reservation might not be posted so your still in violation....dbl edged sword!STATE

ARS 17-304 A. Landowners or lessees of private land who desire to prohibit hunting, fishing or trapping on their lands without their written permission shall post such lands closed to hunting, fishing or trapping using notices or signboards

ARS 17-304 D. The entry of any person for the taking of wildlife shall not be grounds for an action for trespassing unless the land has been posted pursuant to this section.
ARS 17-304 C. The notices or signboards shall meet ALL of the following criteria: 1) Be not less than eight inches by eleven inches with plainly legible wording in capital and bold-faced lettering at least one inch high. 2) Contain the words "no hunting", "no trapping" or "no fishing" either as a single phrase or in any combination. 3) Be conspicuously placed on a structure or post at least four feet above ground level at all points of vehicular access, at all property or fence corners and at intervals of not more than one-quarter mile along the property boundary, except that a post with one hundred square inches or more of orange paint may serve as the interval notices between property or fence corners and points of vehicular access. The orange paint shall be clearly visible and shall cover the entire above ground surface of the post facing outward and on both lateral sides from the closed area.

Operation Game Thief:
(800) 352-0700

Law Enforcement Branch, Game and Fish Department:
(602) 789-3303

Any city, county, or state law enforcement agency

Well this makes me feel a little better about where I've been hunting,
I am going to get a ownership map to study
and I'm also going to introduce myself and my son to some of the ranchers who's land I hunt on even though its not posted so all in all its been a lesson for me!
According to www.dictionary.com the following are some of the definitions of poaching:
poach2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pch)
v. poached, poach·ing, poach·es
v. intr.
To trespass on another's property in order to take fish or game.
To take fish or game in a forbidden area.
To become muddy or broken up from being trampled. Used of land.
To sink into soft earth when walking.

To take or appropriate something unfairly or illegally.
Sports. To play a ball out of turn or in another's territory, as in doubles tennis.

v. tr.
To trespass on (another's property) for fishing or hunting.
To take (fish or game) illegally.
To make (land) muddy or broken up by trampling.

So, it pays to know the boundaries, landowners, and local laws to avoid getting the poacher handle for a simple trespass.
this is my last word on this subject [for out of stater`s] if your hunting in a national forest that border`s a ten thousand acre private ranch, and the ranch property is NOT properly POSTED, and you kill a big game animal that you have a tag for, you CANNOT be CONVICTED of POACHING or TRESSPASSING! part of the law is KNOWINGLY! and nothing is cut and dried [that why we have lawyer`s] the law is a GUIDELINE ONLY! it is not absolute. END OF STORY!
quailhunter your crazy if you take advice from these guys just call game and fish and discuss the specific areas you are questioning. I have dealt with this problem first hand and sorry DS you are wrong on this one. The law states that IF the owner wishes to prohibit hunting he must sign the property at each corner, each entrance and every 1/4 mile in between. When I am hunting and there is unmarked land I assume they do not mind me hunting there. If they did not want me hunting there it would be signed as the law states. Most people I have come across that own an unmarked chunk really dont mind if you hunt there as long as you respect their land. Whether they want it or not there is not a damn thing they can do legally if their land is not properly posted.
Unless the laws have changed for the state of Washington when I was there, you could have a picnick on some ones front yard if they didn't have it properly marked...LOL...
cjcj, What if you are an illegal alien with a tag on posted private land? Is that poaching?? or maybe par boiling...

RELAX cuz... It's just a discussion.....

The AZ guys are right, methinks. I just completed a Hunter Ed class in Arizona. In AZ, you aren't trespassing on private land, unless it is posted, per the statutes. Native land is different. As a matter of fact, one of our ethics questions was "Are you trespassing, if you are hunting on land that is not properly posted?" As an example, some people paint telephone poles, others make homemade signs, etc. If you don't want hunters on your land, you need to post it, in accordance with the laws. If I remember correctly, Maine was the same way, when I lived there.

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