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I heard a secret!

If fuggingoodhtr has such a good sense of humor how come he won't let me post the pictures of the first time he had beer. You think you've seen funny...

And Yetti.. shit.. tell the YKK story. Goddamn.. I tell everybody when I shit my pants.. least you can do is tell that one.
Greeny.. He says he can take a joke.. BUt you should have seen the Email I got today from F.G.H. about "ALL those guys are teasing me. I'm not sure what to do. Do they really know I'm gay ?!?!" BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....
FGH......your comeback was one of the best ever......right up there with some of Greeny's best work in the Ol' B'cat vs. Cornholio days! :D

I laughed so friggin(can I say that :confused: ) hard that I had to read you comeback again....but it was gone when I went back :( ......but I remembered it word for word so when Moosie said he didn't get to see it, I sent it to him.

And for the record......this is a site for cussers, spitters, beer drinkers, and whoredogs first! :mad: ......if you happen to kill a few elk, well that is a big plus, but PLEASE DON"T TURN THIS INTO ANOTHER BIBLE THUMPING COLLEGE!.....PLEASE!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
All right you dirty rotten bastards, I have to go work in the field one day and I miss all the good shit!! What the Phuq did FGH say! What the Phuq happened to Gayhunters hunting pics from 2000!

Got your email DS...I would have never bought it, so dont sweat it :D :D
WHAt.. DS doing his MASS Emailing to Anyone that will listen.... AHHHH It's like Retro Night or something.... RALLY the troops bud ;) :D :D :D
Ya gotta e-mail me that one too cause my ass got stuck workin. ;) Don't even think about commenting on that one BOYS!!
PS; IT's probably a good thing I didn't post that one over on accurate or RMK would have been all over my virgin butt. :eek:
Nope Moosie.....just emailed Horseeker and told him I was only kidding about being offended by his above one you can kiss my ass!(can I say that? :confused: ) have mail ;)
Hey Moose....when you edit it..would you change Horseeker to Hornseeker for me? spellin classses or beginning to rub off on me! :D
I must have missed it. I've never seen a legendary comeback. If the gay guys get picked on too much, they can start a site, if they don't already have one.