I gotta rant

There is a lesson here for others...

Massad Ayoob has some good reasonable advice...

no reason to watch a YT video....the lessons here are plain to see....keep your fat mouth shut if the cops come up on you like that as it's your word against the other guy....he could have said it was call phone and there would be no proof....he let them search his car...I mean come on, how stupid.....those are the lessons kids...Keep mouth shut and don't let them search.
Sounds like a terrible situation, hate he is involved in it. Sounds like he made a couple of significant mistakes that can likely be minimized by hiring a competent attorney. Tell him to spend the money it takes to hire a good one.
Already covered;
Don’t talk to the police.
Don’t talk to the police.
Don’t talk to the police.

Also, the guy who called this in probably isn’t showing up at court. So plead not guilty.
One of the best things Massad Ayoob says is : "I will be more than happy to cooperate once I have counsel present." is how you don't talk to police.
So back when I did my course to get my concealed carry, they always said if you have to shoot someone, shoot well. Dead men tell no tales. If they survive, they'll do everything in their power to put you behind bars instead of them. Also, always, always, always be the first one to call 911 if you pull your gun out or discharge it.

It's really unfortunate that the world we live in will penalize us for defending our own life or families lives. So either you let this gang banger potentially hurt your family, or you brandish your firearm to make him go away... You could either die, or go to jail... So much for innocent until proven guilty. It really seems like the government is pushing to have bad guys portrayed as the good guys and they always try to make the good guys look like the bad guys. Maybe they're pushing this to rationalize their thoughts/ideas showing the government as the "good guys"...

I really hope I never have to use my firearm for self defense, but if it comes down to it, I'll gladly protect myself or my family, even if it means going away for some time.
I have a stack "OH SHIT" I would like to get a do over for. It was the Gang Banger that called it in! The banger has a list of arrests in the past! The whole thing stinks. It's a huge miscarriage of what is right. Unfortunately him pulling the pistol and showing it was the wrong thing to do in the Peoples Republic of Outlaw Everything. The kid has never been it trouble. Never even had a ticket. When I was a kid in the 50's we were always taught that the truth was the best end to a problem and that you could always count on the cops for help. Somewhere along the last 60-70 years that has changed.
I have talked to a few of the cops I know including Admin guys. Every single one of them has said that the justice world has changed. If a weapon is involved, your guilty no matter what the reason.
There was a story in the local news how a father and 19 year old son were victims of road rage. The instigator wouldn't let up. The father stopped by being cut off by the bad guy. The guy runs back to the father and son with a pipe or bat and breaks the window and drags the kid out of the car and is beating the snot out of him. The father jumps out and puts a round into the bad guy killing him. They are pressing for life in prison for the father. Some how the DA determined that getting your head caved in with a bat did not constitute "imminent threat to life".
I'm so sorry about this. The problem is you lost the fight to become the victimized person calling 911 first. It doesn't matter if your right or wrong the 1 st person to call 911 is the vic the 2nd is the abuser.
Always if possible call 911 1st because then you become the victim and not the abuser. It's not fare that's just the way it is. If you find your self in this situation be the first to call 911 and record everything. I'm sorry for your loved ones but in this day and age you don't have to be right you have to be 1st with evidence.
Sorry but second point is the criminal element already knows the system because they have been through it. They know how the game is played the average person can't grasp this but trust me being around the biker gang's around Chicago they know how civil rights work way better than the average Joe.
Some how the DA determined that getting your head caved in with a bat did not constitute "imminent threat to life".
Ought to bring a watermelon on to the stand and proceed to smash the shit out of it with a bat.

If someone comes at me with a bat with the intention of causing great bodily harm I'd let rounds fly. ESPECIALLY if they were beating my kid with it.
Unfortunately I had a friend do the same thing. He felt threatened, showed the barrel of a pistol, and this was in Montana, not CA.

He was set up, but fell for it as his mind is still in the 50s where right won out.

He got probation, but thousands in lawyers fees.

The insane are in charge of the asylum right now. Covington kid a prime example.
Unfortunately I had a friend do the same thing. He felt threatened, showed the barrel of a pistol, and this was in Montana, not CA.

He was set up, but fell for it as his mind is still in the 50s where right won out.

He got probation, but thousands in lawyers fees.

The insane are in charge of the asylum right now. Covington kid a prime example.
I grew up in a different generation. If you had a bitch with someone you settled it one way or another. Now it seems that any disagreement is settled a court of law or nuclear weapons with not much in between.
As far as costs he is out 17k for bond on 250k bail and 12,500 for retainer on law firm. He's lucky to have had the money. He's been saving to put up a down payment on a house. I mentioned hard working,,,,he had saved nearly 50k since the first of the year.
All I'm going to say is unless you have been through our judicial system don't expect it to go go your way just because you think your right.
All I'm going to say is unless you have been through our judicial system don't expect it to go go your way just because you think your right.
I think this is what the instructor was trying to say. He just didn't say it in the right way.

My understanding is, if you shoot someone to wound them instead of kill, they'll argue that you weren't actually scared for your life and your use of deadly force wasn't warranted. You'll end up getting ripped apart on the stand because if you were actually scared for your life, you would've shot to kill. Not really something anyone wants to think about, or should have to think about.

Your concealed course was taught by a dipshit. mtmuley
He seemed a little... extra... If that's a good word for it.

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