I gotta rant

In before the Calvary gets here.
Road raged is f’d up.
To quote a lawyer
“I’d like to be the one to flip the switch on this pos”
If they ever find him...
Well, if there was ever anybody eligible for a public stoning...
30 years doesn’t seem like a fair sentence for leaving a random, valuable member of society paralyzed, but I guess it’s the best we got.
Also, with his rap sheet, why tf wasn’t this guy behind bars for life before this happened?
This situation is where I feel a “jury of your peers” is the key to regulating and sending a message to the DA that they are chasing the wrong people/ are not representing the people. While I say this, I also understand that a jury of peers is very different in California now, than most other mid west states (to some degree that is changing quickly). I also had a very similar situation with a guy in a Mercedes brake checking people and swerving and throwing up gang signs occur two weeks ago in Southern California - my wife and kids were in the car and my wife was freaking out a little the guy was being so aggressive.
Those peers aren't what they used to be. Brainwashed by woke education system and hollywood.
Sure would be good if your buddy had a dash cam vid of the gang banger raging and driving aggressively and especially getting out of his vehicle.
To me the root of the problem is the police that let these aggressive drivers get away with it and the courts that won't do anything if they do get cited. They will go after the innocent that tries to defend themselves against what the courts and police allow to happen.
It’s California…… you have no stand your ground law. Nobody in California is catching 24 years over that, hell in idaho now a days very few people even end up in prison over serious felonies. This story feels a little off, I hope your buddy the best of luck. He only needs one on a jury….
Fight it. But quit packing a pistol, it should never be used as a threat and is only going to cause more problems than it solves
Yes fight it, but quit packing No B/S. It is not used as a threat but for safety. For thugs like you spoke of.
This has no place here but I have just got to put it out there. Earlier this year one of the kids (34) that helps me out quite a bit and is an all around good person took his 2 year old an 5 year old fishing. On the way home he became the victim of road rage. He's driving his 4 door dually flatbed truck and a gang banger in a little Mercedes coupe starts dive bombing him, brake checking him and flashing him gang signs. This goes on for a couple miles, IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN! The Mercedes finally gets him trapped in traffic at a stop light and starts to jump out of his car. My buddy flashes a locked pistol at him and the guy does a cut and run. My buddy hurries on his way to get home and get his kids to safety. When he gets home he unlocked and loaded the pistol and locked the truck back up while getting the kids settled down with their mother. They are separated. When he comes back out there's cops everywhere. The cops ask about what happened and he tells the truth including flashing the pistol and loading it. It is still locked in the truck. They search the truck with permission. They take him into custody and is charged with several felonies. Fast forward to where the DA is threatening 24 years in prison. BUT if he cops a plea deal it could be as little as 2 years jail time. If he fights it in court and looses the DA will go full out after max penalties on all charges. His lawyer is recommending to take the plea deal because if he looses the minimum sentence will be 5 years.
This kid is the hardest working, straight up guy you would be proud to call a friend. California gun justice at work.
If he's a outstanding citizen what plea deal would they consider. You didn't mention that unless I missed it
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