Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

I drew Montana Moose 319-50


Active member
Aug 6, 2014
Can't wait to get out scouting hard ASAP. The area is southwest of butte and northwest of Dillon. If anyone has on the ground contacts or insight that would be great too. I want to make the most of this once in a lifetime hunt. A lot of guys apply forever and don't draw so I want to go all out for them as well.
Figured I'd bump this thread with a scouting picture. I located this girl during July. It was the only scouting trip that I could make over to the area this summer. I have found most of the riparian areas, it'll just be a matter of the bulls showing up while I am hunting.

I am planning on hunting from September 29th til October 3rd. It just so happens that the year I draw for Moose is also the year that I began graduate school out of state. So if anyone spends any time in that neck of the woods and every sees any moose, I'd love to know about it. 319 isn't a very big hunt area

you dog, that was my area. lol. PM me and I'll let you know what I've been seeing. GL bagging a bull should be very doable.
PM me and I'll let you know what I've been seeing.

406Life Did you get my PM? I saw you commented on some posts today just want to make sure my message went through. I'm very eager to make the most of my opportunity and hopefully learn an area where I can help others in the future.
Well, I just finished my first five day Moose hunt. Nothing hit the ground but I got to spend some good time with family and friends.

Seems like we were having trouble locating the actual moose. We could often find fresh sign and good habitat but it was very hit or miss. I know this unit has a fairly low population but I did expect that we would see more critters, given the amount of country we were covering.

The one opportunity that I did get happened fast. We were sitting on an overlook for a long time when a medium sized bull moose emerged at the end of the willow bottom about a mile away. He was on a mission and moved with incredible speed and grace. In hindsight, my hunting partner and I spent just a little too long admiring him.

I had in my mind that I would like to try and take the moose with my bow. So I was only packing the stick flinger and no lead launcher. We made a move to intercept the Moose but we underestimated his rate of travel and ended up having to sprint about 1/2 a mile to try and cut him off. We were just approaching the edge of the 10' tall willows, uncertain if we had gotten ahead of him, when I suddenly caught sight of him still on the move from right to left past us.

We sprinted around the other side of a big willow bush and the Bull popped out and stopped to give us a long look. I ranged him at 68 yards. A distance that I practice regularly but it was too far given the conditions.

So I stared the bull down for a few more seconds and then he turn and hustled up the hill, taking time to stop for another long look at about 175 yards. The image of him stopping on the hill keeps getting replayed in my mind. I sure hope not having a rifle does not turn into one of my bigger hunting regrets.

The next three days we encountered a few cows, but mostly just stared at empty willow bottoms and got soaked to the bone by near constant rain. It was an awesome hunt, and I'm hopeful we will be able to encounter another bull during my return trip.

I'm currently in grad school out of state, so I am limited to just a few trips at the most. I'll keep you all posted.

I'm hoping to get back up for another trip in a couple weeks, In the meantime, I'm haunted by the image of that bull sauntering up the mountain and out of my life.
I hope you get one, you still have time, at least 8 more weeks if you can find time.
Does anybody spend much time in Jerry Creek? We spent one afternoon in there and saw what seemed like a fair amount of sign but did not get eyes on any actual moose.

We were basically working our way along the willow bottom, which would not be entirely useful if the moose were more on the hillsides.

I'm still trying to figure these buggers out!
Moose Hunting 2016 Adventure in area 319

Here are a couple photos from my first hunt. Trying to beef up this post so that it more entertaining to the HT audience. Haven't been getting much response as of yet.

These are the willow behind camp and a large rainbow that appeared not long after I blew the stalk as mentioned earlier.


Do you have a big chunk of time off over Thanksgiving?
They're fairly easy to find when leaves are off and snow is deep.
Keep at it Schuyler. You'll find bullwinkle. Have seen some decent elk up there this year as well.

More photos!
Do you have a big chunk of time off over Thanksgiving?
They're fairly easy to find when leaves are off and snow is deep.

I should have about five days over thanksgiving and possibly one other 3 day trip.

You would advise later in the year? Can you explain a little more? Thanks
I live right near Jerry Creek but haven't been seeing any moose over there. The 4 bull moose I've been seeing have been on the south side of the Big Hole. Wish I could help you out. Good luck with your hunt. If you need help packing or want another set of eyes to help glass, give me a shout any day.
I'm not a moose hunter, but in a high road density like 319 I would focus on driving the roads after a good snowfall and try to locate a single set of large tracks. And commit all day to tracking and again the next day until you get a shot. If that didn't turn up anything I would try the New Meadow area, or the lower stretches of Lincoln Gulch. The moose I ran across in November elk hunting were living the dark timber much like elk. A lot of 319 cannot be glassed since its heavy timber, so that definitely increases the odds in the animals favor. Good luck
Thanks for the tip Pagosa, i'll be sure to give you a call and keep you posted on when I am in the area. Let me know what and where you are seeing while you're out.

Here is another photo from the hunt. Glassing right before we encountered the bull.


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