I drew Montana Moose 319-50

Watt, looks like a good spot! I will be down there from Oct 21 until the 25 and probably back down over the Friday/Saturday. I'll let you know.
Watt, looks like a good spot! I will be down there from Oct 21 until the 25 and probably back down over the Friday/Saturday. I'll let you know.

That's great. Best of luck. We were able to find some elk while we were there although it was pretty much post rut by the 1st
Beautiful pics. Looks like great moose country from the photos. Best of luck.
I found out that the other tag holder in my area was able to harvest a 42" bull in an area that I had been hunting, Jerry Creek. Based on some details it sounds very probable that I walked right past this bull without knowing it. We had been seeing some very fresh tracks in the area that belonged to a large old bull.

Sounds like there is at least one other nice bull working the lower part of Jerry Creek. I hope to find him.

If anyone is out elk hunting in 319, keep your eyes out for me.
Here is one of the better Moose that has been hanging in lower Jerry Creek. I have not seen him yet but a local contact sent me the photo.
Well, I'm going to be back at it again starting Saturday. We are in the final stretch. Hoping to hang my tag on the antler of a respectable bull.

Any and all tips will be appreciated. One last push to fill a once-in-a-lifetime tag.
We found a cow and a calf moose today near the end of shooting light. We were well within range if it had been a bull. Some snow in the forecast overnight I'm optimistic about the morning.
Our pack horses are ready for you and your moose. Good luck today Watt- I look forward to meeting you today or later this week.
I spent a few days around Fleecer Ridge after the storm on Thursday looking for elk and didn't see much game sign, or any moose sightings. Good luck and hope you tag a good one.
We got out early on Sunday to glass an area I had been into this summer.

It seems quite a few moose have moved into the drainage. We glassed these three within the first hour. None of them would qualify as a trophy, but at this point in the season, I was definitely willing to get a closer look.


We slipped down the draw and headed toward the direction the moose were heading. I have learned that they like to bed on benches above the willow bottoms. Usually about halfway up the hill. The area I am hunting in is thick timber and there are only limited opportunities for long distance glassing.


We made it to the area where we had last seen them about two hours earlier. We began to creep in and out of openings, still hunting in the hope of seeing the bulls before they saw us. We had been going like this for awhile without relocating them. The wind had been switching directions as a squall came up, and I was worried that we might have bumped them out.

We stopped to shed our outer layers, and just as I was putting my pack back on, my brother pointed up the hill, "moose standing right there, get your gun out."

I slid the gun out of my pack and crept quickly to a shooting rest. He was standing about 85 yards away in an opening between two trees, looking directly at us. He was up the hill from us at a decent angle, but I could see his vitals fine through the scope. It was a semi-tight window. My brother and I debated for about a minute about whether I should take the shot or if we should push our luck and try to drop back and loop around to get to their level in the hopes of securing a better shot window.

The bull kept standing there, but he seemed to be getting nervous. We decided that I should opt for the shot. I slid the safety off and settled the crosshairs directly on the spot where I knew his lungs would be. I squeezed off the shot.

I didn't hear the smack that I knew should have come from 225-grain lead striking flesh. The moose turned and ran. I was in disbelief. We hustled up to the spot to look for blood or for a possible follow up. Blood could not be found. My brother began looking at the tree he was standing near. Our worries were confirmed. After stripping off some bark he discovered a bullet sized hole just about an inch from the edge of the tree.

So I guess you could say I was a literal inch from filling my tag. Fortunately, there is still some time left. It looks like many moose have been hanging out in this area and I am optimistic we will relocate those three bulls and maybe even a bigger one.
I bet they will not go too far away. Keep at it. Greater the effort, greater the reward.
Today we saw a few cow calf pairs but no bulls. Also saw a wolf, hope it doesn't chase the moose out.
Show us some pictures, Schuyler. From what I understand, a tag was filled...
Wolves all over our place too.