I drew a once in a lifetime sheep tag at 25. Now what?

Glad to see advice like this on here lol

Your child is only little once, and the wife might be on board now but that can change overnight. Hormones and Post-Partum are a real thing.

Take care of your wife and baby first and foremost.
I disagree. Everyone’s situation is different. When I was born my mom drew a bighorn sheep tag. Despite having a newborn she went hunting and killed a giant ram. Nowadays when I ask her anything about my childhood. She blankly looks at me and says “I really can’t remember anything from that time” However when I point to the wall at that big azz bighorn ram she can recount that story as if it was yesterday. I don’t feel any less loved.
I disagree. Everyone’s situation is different. When I was born my mom drew a bighorn sheep tag. Despite having a newborn she went hunting and killed a giant ram. Nowadays when I ask her anything about my childhood. She blankly looks at me and says “I really can’t remember anything from that time” However when I point to the wall at that big azz bighorn ram she can recount that story as if it was yesterday. I don’t feel any less loved.
These threads always expose those without children.

Equally as, really more, stupid to bail on a nursing mom if she needs you - the very definition of being a failure of a man.
Because your wife keeps your balls in her purse you lash out at a guy that gets to pack his around all day.....weird?
4 kids, 9 grandkids. 28 yrs married. No issues or sharing of my manhood. Great wife/great life.

I disagree. Everyone’s situation is different. When I was born my mom drew a bighorn sheep tag. Despite having a newborn she went hunting and killed a giant ram. Nowadays when I ask her anything about my childhood. She blankly looks at me and says “I really can’t remember anything from that time” However when I point to the wall at that big azz bighorn ram she can recount that story as if it was yesterday. I don’t feel any less loved.
This is the advise I will be taking!
I disagree. Everyone’s situation is different. When I was born my mom drew a bighorn sheep tag. Despite having a newborn she went hunting and killed a giant ram. Nowadays when I ask her anything about my childhood. She blankly looks at me and says “I really can’t remember anything from that time” However when I point to the wall at that big azz bighorn ram she can recount that story as if it was yesterday. I don’t feel any less loved.
Let's see a pic? Of the ram that ruined your childhood? Your mom sounds awesome.
I’m fiercely DIY, but I’d consider hiring a guide. It will shift almost all of the stress of “will I harvest a ram” off of you and you’ll be able enjoy the whole experience a bit more.
💯 percent success for the most part and a guy is supposed to bail on the coolest or at least rarest hunt opportunity that will ever come along?

💯 percent success for the most part and a guy is supposed to bail on the coolest or at least rarest hunt opportunity that will ever come along?

I’m assuming he’ll have limited time for the hunt given the timing of the baby. It may be money well spent to prevent a divorce!
Somehow by the grace of God I managed to pull a Colorado S63 desert sheep tag for 2024. 1 of 3 tags for the unit and 1 of 14 resident tags statewide. The fun now begins. First off, I have from October 1 - December 29 off of work due to my first child that is due October 8. Great timing I know. However I have the most unbelievable wife who understands what this tag means and is fully supportive of me hunting the entire season. I live about 5 hours from the unit so I will not be terribly far from home. With the entire season off and only minimal responsibilities ;) where should I start? To those who have hunted sheep before, where did you start?

Hockaday- l too drew the S63 tag this year! Lets connect as it appears the unit is plenty big and it would be good to coordinate through scouting and the hunting season. I was fortunate to draw a bighorn sheep tag in 2018 so I have some knowledge about the species as well.
Also, congrats on your kid coming. Hunting is my passion, but having kids will change your life forever so enjoy it!
💯 percent success for the most part and a guy is supposed to bail on the coolest or at least rarest hunt opportunity that will ever come along?


Nobody said bail.

Only one needs to be realistic about what it’s like to have a newborn and a post partum wife. which a lot of folks on this site have no experience with or are so far removed from they actually have no clue what it’s like anymore.

I swear with how many folks have deleted their accounts the remaining collective IQ on this site is equivalent to a goldfish.

@Hockaday2017 be careful taking advice from divorced men and men without children.

Lean on Rmbs folks and be sure your wife is taken care of. You’ll be able to shoot a stellar ram
Nobody said bail.

Only one needs to be realistic about what it’s like to have a newborn and a post partum wife. which a lot of folks on this site have no experience with or are so far removed from they actually have no clue what it’s like anymore.

I swear with how many folks have deleted their accounts the remaining collective IQ on this site is equivalent to a goldfish.

@Hockaday2017 be careful taking advice from divorced men and men without children.

Lean on Rmbs folks and be sure your wife is taken care of. You’ll be able to shoot a stellar ram

I knew I heard that phrase before.
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Hockaday- l too drew the S63 tag this year! Lets connect as it appears the unit is plenty big and it would be good to coordinate through scouting and the hunting season. I was fortunate to draw a bighorn sheep tag in 2018 so I have some knowledge about the species as well.
Also, congrats on your kid coming. Hunting is my passion, but having kids will change your life forever so enjoy it!

I knew I heard that phrase before.
Ha! Boy the internet is a great thing. Very very humbling experience that thread was. As soon as I posted it I came to the relization how unfair and arrogant that it was for a kid like me to post that. I knew that it was going to come with great amounts of heat, hence why I never went back to it. Still to this day I haven't checked back in, and I won't. Ive matured great lengths since the day that the thread got posted. I can only imagine the comments. I'd also imagine that most of them are absolutely deserved. Hopefully this thread won't get hi-jacked by what that one says. If it does that will be the end of my Hunt Talk days.
Hockaday- l too drew the S63 tag this year! Lets connect as it appears the unit is plenty big and it would be good to coordinate through scouting and the hunting season. I was fortunate to draw a bighorn sheep tag in 2018 so I have some knowledge about the species as well.
Also, congrats on your kid coming. Hunting is my passion, but having kids will change your life forever so enjoy it!
Absolutely! Didn't mean to quote you in the previous response. Shoot me a PM!
Nobody said bail.

Only one needs to be realistic about what it’s like to have a newborn and a post partum wife. which a lot of folks on this site have no experience with or are so far removed from they actually have no clue what it’s like anymore.

I swear with how many folks have deleted their accounts the remaining collective IQ on this site is equivalent to a goldfish.

@Hockaday2017 be careful taking advice from divorced men and men without children.

Lean on Rmbs folks and be sure your wife is taken care of. You’ll be able to shoot a stellar ram
Absolutely, I wish it wasn't such a pissing match on almost every thread out there. The sad thing about it is that its usually the same people who have nothing better to do than be the negative. Thats the way it is though. I'm open to advise from everyone who has experience! So thanks!
Ha! Boy the internet is a great thing. Very very humbling experience that thread was. As soon as I posted it I came to the relization how unfair and arrogant that it was for a kid like me to post that. I knew that it was going to come with great amounts of heat, hence why I never went back to it. Still to this day I haven't checked back in, and I won't. Ive matured great lengths since the day that the thread got posted. I can only imagine the comments. I'd also imagine that most of them are absolutely deserved. Hopefully this thread won't get hi-jacked by what that one says. If it does that will be the end of my Hunt Talk days.
Thanks for owning your past, it is a sign of maturity.

Congrats on having a baby! As for the logistics, you can definitely hunt this tag by yourself (or on your terms). I'd lean on grandparents (or the new aunts and uncles, or your wife's friends) to take some time to visit for a weekend or even a week at a time to help with the baby and keep the new mom from feeling isolated. I have 2 little kids, and the best way to deal with the conflicting responsibilities and your hunting passion is to lean on family. After 30 days, things get much easier with the baby, so I'd plan on hunting the second half of the season, but also any time, even just 2-3 days at a time whenever you can get someone to stay for a weekend. Also, find some people to help you find sheep so you can take advantage of the time you do have. It always breaks my heart when people give up hunting when they have kids when they definitely don't have to.
Thanks for owning your past, it is a sign of maturity.

Congrats on having a baby! As for the logistics, you can definitely hunt this tag by yourself (or on your terms). I'd lean on grandparents (or the new aunts and uncles, or your wife's friends) to take some time to visit for a weekend or even a week at a time to help with the baby and keep the new mom from feeling isolated. I have 2 little kids, and the best way to deal with the conflicting responsibilities and your hunting passion is to lean on family. After 30 days, things get much easier with the baby, so I'd plan on hunting the second half of the season, but also any time, even just 2-3 days at a time whenever you can get someone to stay for a weekend. Also, find some people to help you find sheep so you can take advantage of the time you do have. It always breaks my heart when people give up hunting when they have kids when they definitely don't have to.
As the old saying goes "You made the bed, now you must sleep in it". I'd love for that thread to be deleted totally but I don't see that option so it is what it is. As far as the baby goes we will be leaning on family pretty heavily. My Aunt and Uncle live about 45 minutes from the where I plan on hunting from (or close to it) so that should help alleviate some of the stress. My uncle has a pretty good connection with his good friend who lion hunts the country and killed a sheep there a couple years ago. My aunt has opened her house up with open arms for my wife and the baby to come stay and help out the wife while I am down there. I am not sure if I will go back to the house every night or not but having mom and baby less than an hour away will greatly help both of our mindsets.
Congrats! You'll make but happen just do the best you can and be ok with it, its just a sheep... My wife ate a sheep tag because she was 8 months pregnant when the season opened.

Little babies are easy, they sleep all the time. Once mom gets back on her feet and you get into a routine it's pretty easy going for a while. The emotional rollercoaster is rough on the ladies.

Hopefully you have family that can help her out while you're gone? Or a close friend? Slipping away for a week maybe easier said than done for you though. I hated being away from my kids for more than 5-7 days at a time, mostly because of how much extra work is is for mom to do alone.

I knew I heard that phrase before.

Well, of course, I had to go back to that old thread. I have to admit, my eyes got a little misty - so many old names that are no longer around (not on the forum anyway 😀). Was that the very first thread with Hunt Talk Man’s famous quote?

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