Caribou Gear Tarp


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maineiac the original:
1. Do any of you believe that wolves and coyotes inter breed?

2. Do you think that you have any of these in your areas?

Hello Mr Manilac,

I think thay do. Scintists think thay do acording to to research that you guys talk about.

I know aminals are not people. But imagnie your self on a dessert Island with nothing but sheep, or at the edge of town honkytonk on a Saturday night. Either way you got to get some.

Your preference is for the ladies at the honkey tonk, but sometimes you got to work with what you got if your on an island and I dont think animals axtully know why they do what they do on some things. Just gotta get it done with whats handy.

Sometimes you get results

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seldom Ever:
Now I know you're telling one,ain't nothing on this earth better than sex!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mr Evers,

I wnated to congadulate you and wish you well. I think its great that your memory of things long sense gone to you is still so vivid for you.

Mr Evers you are encoraging to us all.

Turd,I'm having a "ball" posting with you here,I'm happy as chit that you're here.

Tell me,exactly how did you come up with that sheep analogy,from prior experience ? Why would sheep be on an island,and how would they survive ? I think you are trying to pull the wool over our eyes!
Thanks for the chuckles

Say,out of curiousity,what's your middle name ?

Thanks for the educational posts as well,Turd.with brains like yours here on this board to share all the chit you know,we'll soon all be predator hunting pros!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seldom Ever:
Turd,I'm having a "ball" posting with you here,I'm happy as chit that you're here.

Tell me,exactly how did you come up with that sheep analogy,from prior experience ? Why would sheep be on an island,and how would they survive ? I think you are trying to pull the wool over our eyes!
Thanks for the chuckles

Say,out of curiousity,what's your middle name ?

Thanks for the educational posts as well,Turd.with brains like yours here on this board to share all the chit you know,we'll soon all be predator hunting pros!

Mr. Evers

Do not worry. Posters with no real coyote hunting knoledge stand out very easy to those of us with decades of compoundng experience. I will make a special efurt to work with you on all your troubles too. Just pleas promise to stop flirtng with me.

Somehow there is no surpries with your focus and wanting to know more on sheep. I herd once that velcro mittens were creted in West Virgina and were kept a local secret for many years.

Turd,your posts are starting to smell just like you. I have a fairly good idea of who you really are,which explains all the talk about men flirting with you and your obvious fascination with the idea of having a man chasing you.The redundant posts about me flirting with you tell me you probably only have a 60 IQ,which explains your other defensive remark about retards as well

It's ok if you want to come out of the closet,here at Moosies we hate all fags equally,so you won't be neglected.

Actually,velcro was invented here in WV,but you've gotten family ritual mixed up with West Virginia history,again.I'm sure your family has used velcro to hold onto the sheep you've spoken so fondly of,but the original use in West Virginia dates back to the Flathead era,which,come to think of it,does have a strong connection to your family tree as well.

I'm glad you're such an experienced predator hunter, I need all the help I can get.Please share some of your grand experiences with us,and post some pics of those great call "dee-zines" of yours.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seldom Ever:
Turd,your posts are starting to smell just like you. I have a fairly good idea of who you really are,which explains all the talk about men flirting with you and your obvious fascination with the idea of having a man chasing you.The redundant posts about me flirting with you tell me you probably only have a 60 IQ,which explains your other defensive remark about retards as well

It's ok if you want to come out of the closet,here at Moosies we hate all fags equally,so you won't be neglected.

Actually,velcro was invented here in WV,but you've gotten family ritual mixed up with West Virginia history,again.I'm sure your family has used velcro to hold onto the sheep you've spoken so fondly of,but the original use in West Virginia dates back to the Flathead era,which,come to think of it,does have a strong connection to your family tree as well.

I'm glad you're such an experienced predator hunter, I need all the help I can get.Please share some of your grand experiences with us,and post some pics of those great call "dee-zines" of yours.

Hello Mr Evers,

Once again my wife is correct. She says she was even more correct than she new in the first place. She also says that I shuld be more flatterd than anything else.

It is clear that you are aparenly BOTH jellous of me and making passes at me and in equal amountts.

it is dificult, but I will remain flatered since that is your true feelngs.

Turd,I have passed a few just like you,but that's about it

Anyhow,this thread is getting old,it's been fun,but it's non productive.It's obvious that you don't know "squat" about predator hunting,even though you've been doing it for decades.This will be my last post on this particular thread,maybe your cousin diarhea can join in and talk with you about your sheep project or something
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seldom Ever:
Turd,I have passed a few just like you,but that's about it

Anyhow,this thread is getting old,it's been fun,but it's non productive.It's obvious that you don't know "squat" about predator hunting,even though you've been doing it for decades.This will be my last post on this particular thread,maybe your cousin diarhea can join in and talk with you about your sheep project or something

Mr Evers,

I understant that youre feelngs are hurt because I am turnig you down, but it is the best for you, even though it hurts and makes you act like that. I am sure we all feel sory for you.

Please take Mousie's Whaaaaa frickng whaaaaa advice from before and work with it so you can move on and be a beter adjustd person.

You just let us know when you want to talk about coyotes, and I will be sure to set you strait.

I dont know if coyotes and wolves interbreed or not, but have any of you ever heard of a black coyote? I think its some kind of wierd pigment in thier hair. Or maybe a coyote internred with a regular dog? Or maybe its full blooded coyote and black? I was hunting with my nieghbor and i heard him shoot so i went over to him and he was standing over a black coyote i even have the tail. It was with another normal colored coyote.

later, MM
Yes MM, A couple of years back a black coyote came in second place at the Mosquito Creek Hunting Contest here in Pennsylvania. They are rarely heard of, but they are around. Supposedly there is one about 70 miles to my west that has been seen crossing the road or setting on the edge of the road according to the milk hauler on quite a regular basis.
There were two melanistic (ie black) coyotes shot near Evansville, IN about 4yrs ago. The article in the paper stated that melanism is about 50X more rare in coyotes than albinism.

Coyote and wolf hybrids? That is what some hypothesize that created the Red Wolf that is found in a few parts of the Southeast. I got lucky enough to see a few in Smokey Mtn Nat. Park about 7 years ago. Cool looking animals. This argument is also being used in an effort to get the Red Wolf off the endangered species list.

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