Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hunting With Moosie.... (LONG winded gibberish)

Congrats to Deadeye on the bull and setting Moosie straight. I know how difficult that can be. :D
Thanks Moosie, I needed that. Now I know I'm not the only one stumbeling around falling on my azz and getting wet. Sound like fun.
Thanks for the kudos. I was going to hold out for a biger bull this year, but I can resist anything but temptation! Im sure we will both get a lot of mileage around the camp fire out of this hunt. Im just glad Moosie came out in one piece.
Originally posted by smalls:
So was it a trophy spike?
NO it was an ugly big one, I looked for a trophy spike though... But I figured I'd get read the Right act if I posted the video of me missing it... (And missing well)... You now how guys are on the net ;)
Uhhhh moosie,

in those clips from the video I'm not seeing any bulls........did you have a cow tag and you were trying for the lead cow?
T-bone.... those were the cows, Good eye ;) If I showed you the bull that was with them you'd be here a few days earlier ;) The Bull video doesn't do him Justice.

Horn Seeker, the truth is I was very Happy for one of my best friends, I guess thats All I can say
You will almost never see me in the hills without a Big smile, That just goes hand in hand !!!

I got Invited to Deadeyes for DINner tonight, Since my wife left to SLC for the Week I think he feels I'll eat crap food every night, So It's elk Backstrap for me tonight !!!! WHHHOOOOO-HOOOOO !!!
Quite the adventure there Moosie! A good story for sure and even better when everything turned out alright.

Better luck next time.
Dang Mooseman do you do anything the easy (right?) way??? Your bodies gonna feel like mine when you get to 45 LOL! Since you had Dead270 along for the return trip the least you could have done was turn the camera over to him and run a "reenactment" for us at HuntTalk!!

Hey Dead- congrats on the bull...question is though, if you had to pack Oscar out would you have quartered him first?
Nice bull DEADEYE. MOOSIE, I've heard of breaking guns in, but don't break it in the process. :D :D Be safe out there. If I vanished in the wilderness, who'd run this place. :rolleyes:
Hmmm...Moosie getting turned around in the dark and heading up, then down, then up, and back down canyons his never been in. I think I've already lived through one of those episodes! ;) Glad you're okay.
congrats on the bull--sounds like you're starting to take it easy on your hunts there Moosis--it may be time to pick up the pace--live dangerously for once--you'll love it :D ....chris
LOL pointer..... Thats how we Lean them canyons 'round yander ;)

Csutton, Thats nothing.... wait till we get back on Sunday :D :D

Adventures with Moosie Part 2 coming up in 3 days !!!!!!

You guys hold down the fort and see ya soon.............