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Hunting those dogs


New member
Dec 10, 2000
California, or Texas
I live 3 miles from the city limits and we have a problem with people dumping off dogs.

Most of them get shot. Tied one up one time called the county were the dog tag said, and it was for another dog. Called the pound and they picked it up. The dog catcher said that I know which ones will be adopted or not. So basicly they get shot.

Anybody have this problem?

I know this isn't exactly varmit hunting.


"When a man lies he murders some part of the world"

Cliff Burton
If they arent wearin a collar they are fair game

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Yup!!! Happens all the time, I always have stray dogs and cats "visiting" me. Most of the dogs get shot, the cats either live or die on their own merit. I have a mutt that strayed here 12 years ago, shes kinda likeable and not a pain, if she was she'd be dead too..
hntrjohn this is exactly varmint hunting!!! when i live out in romoland(which is here in southern califorina and out by hemit) we had a problem with "wild" dogs and our animals(calfs, miniture donkeys and especially our chickens)when we would catch them in the act or just plain saw them they were shot! there always seemed to be an endless supply of dogs! we could never kill enough of them. i'm not sure if any were my neighbor's dogs but i didn't and doesn't matter if there out roaming the fields around the property they were fair game...just like any coyote.

just shoot 'em and and don't think twice about it.
only have seen one stray dog in AZ and it WAS a poodle. but in japan the base used to supply all weapons and ammo for stray dog hunts and we did it every where there. next to house's etc. Dad and the guys from the gunclub would kill 100's every year. wilddog packs killed a few people on the base and usually dragged a kid off at least once a year.

I could not shoot a dog or a CAT, But have no PROBLEM shooting 'Yotes and Squirrels HUmmm I wonder why /!?!!?

Anyways, Just my .02

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


I'm with you on this one Moosie. I don't think I have it in me to pull the trigger on a dog or cat.........Don't know why, either.Big D

"Keepin' 'em in the black"

"If ya wanna save a tree, then eat a beaver" "You may check out, but you can never leave"
You guys must think I am prety cruel. I shot my wifes dog Pupet that she had for 13 years in the head 3 weeks ago, it had cancer.


"When a man lies he murders some part of the world"

Cliff Burton
John - my ex-wife lives in Modesto, and I have cousins that live in Oakdale. I thought the area was getting kind of congested for much shooting. Off-topic, I guess....but just wondering how far out of Turlock you live, being able to shoot (I'm guessing) on your property? I fully agree that if the stray/wild dogs were munching on my critters that I'd shoot them, too. As a non-rancher, I have a hard time shooting "pets" doesn't make sense why I feel that way, though. Just one of many unresolved emotional issues, I guess.
This one is a tough one and one I have had to deal with a lot.
I never thought my dad was very nice when Stray dogs came in during calving and lambing season and they turned to dust, until I went to feed my FFA project one morning and they had no ears. Two lambs with their ears and other parts completly ripped out of their heads and the dog was still their chewing. Didn't take much to change my mind at that point. Didn't feel to good afterwards but didn't stop me from shooting. Once a dog starts running like that and it can be the best dog you have, if they run in packs the wild instict comes over them and they are actually worse than the varmits, because they aren't hungry they just do it for fun. We have even had to do away with several of our own because if they get started they only way to retrain them is a bullet. Sorry. sheCat
very well worded she cat!! although the end result on our animals is the same, ther is absolutely a difference between a dog that is killing for "fun" and a predator that is killing to survive. i never had a problem with single dogs and my animals, it was always the pack that would cause me the problems. i have never had to put one of my own dogs down for killing the other animals and i'm sure it would be hard. i would probably have to put them down at 100 yards so it wouldn't be so personal for me or my dog.(yes i do have feelings too)
I dont think your a bad guy for shooting your wifes dog. I had to shoot my wifes dog akc registered collie. Ive had to shoot a couple of my daughters cats to and and she forgave me. all but one were either hit by a car or dying anyway. the one was just plain mean so I took it out in the back yard and popped it.

years ago when I lived in washington state I belive game and fish asked hunters to shoot unattended dogs it was in there regs.

I agree with everyone on killing cats and dogs-I don't like to do what needs to be done. I hunt praire dogs on one ranch where te ONE requirment is to shoot every feral dog we see. They don't mind coyotes-shoot them if you want to. The rancher says he would rather have 7 coyotes than one feral dog-the coyotes don't kill for fun. I've had to put away loved pets, but the dogs and cats roaming our land are not loved or being taken care of.
My two scents.
I shot my own dog before that was part of the family, and my dog that was not working out. He11 I even thinned out the neighbors cat population at her request.

It seem that the people here are on each side of the fence. To me a dog is a dog, a cat is a cat, a deer is a deer, a person is a person. Not the PETA motto.


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