
Hunting season preparations, what did you do today?

geez. nice. considering your location, how many people did you have to deal that had endless questions about the head on his back?

Haha, a LOT. We did two trips to get everything out and were only on the main trail for ~1/2 a mile each way so not too much exposure, but man did we get some eyeballs from a few Karens, I wish they didn't have facemasks on so we could've seen their entire facial expressions! :ROFLMAO: We did have a couple good interactions though, one dude said to my buddy "THAT must be the COOLEST backpack on the whole mountain today!"
Not today, but I scheduled an MRI for my shoulder yesterday, sounds like the rotator cuff decided to give me a big FU. Archery season over before it starts. Maybe I can stand some rifle recoil by turkey day.
Good luck with the MRI. I feel your pain.

The MRI is just a formality. I'm pretty sure archery and rifle are washed out, I can't imagine holding a heavy kicker against my cut up shoulder, I'm pretty much just hoping to get on skis by Xmas. Maybe a shoulder season cow elk (I'll whisper when I say that).
I watched the kids while my wife went to brunch.....all day long. That should earn me an extra day or two in the woods.

Tomorrow, we're headed to check cameras as a family. I'm excited to let the half-lings run and climb on big rocks.
Scoured Google Earth and OnX again. Located back up plan campsites. Finding a good campsite is probably one of my biggest priorities! I like to find a spot where I can hunt from the truck in every direction.
I walked my fence line and checked my pasture. There was a nice 6 pt bull asleep on the ridge as I worked my way to the top.

Since I finally finished haying, I took the time to walk a critical access trail to see if I needed to bring a pack horse to cut it out. I have about 20-30 trees to cut out in about 2 miles. I'll take a horse. After--- it cools down a bit. A little too dry for sawing just yet.

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