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Hunting Knife..


When I purchased my knife I called Cutco HQ and got the name & number of the guy close to my town. I never paid him a vist, just called him up, told him what I wanted, gave him my billing information, and a few days later my knife was in the mail. Funny thing was, I later met the guy at the Fairbanks Outdoor Show, and he was selling my knife for $10 cheaper than what he sold it to me...fugger!

If you don't call Cutco (1-800-828-0448), I bet you could call one of the two individuals at SLC and have them place the order for you.

Salt Lake City N
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Salt Lake City S
SANDY UT, 84070
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I wanna say $65 or $70. Well worth it, I would pay $100+ for it. Now, let me tell you this knife is great for skinning and boning out meat, but for caping bring a box of razor blades for detailed work. The Cutco will not perform in this area.

I've used locking folders but prefer a fixed blade. My favorite is:
Golden Spike by Shrade/Uncle Henry. Bought mine for under $45. including shipping from this company:

Shape and size of this knife is as perfect as yoou'll ever find. The Golden Spike is made of high carbon steel but not stainless. Easier to re-sharpen quickly. I use a V shaped double ceramic rod sharpener by Smith Co. I'm no fan of stainless steel for a hunting knife. The steel is too hard and will dish-out an Arkansas stone in short order.

Good luck.
Moosie just in case you get curious later on and wonder if you should of bought the Boker ceramic...I own that exact model of Boker. It's not half the knife they say it is. I strongly recommend against buying one. I skinned two antelope and one deer before it became extremely dull. I should send it back to be resharpened, but I believe it is $5.00 or more plus shipping. While that may not seem like much, it is, considering how many deer and antelope I skin a year. Plus it's just a hassle to not be able to sharpen your own knife. Not to mention you have to treat the knife as if it were made of glass. Drop it once on a hard floor and you are out nearly $200.00 or whatever they cost these days.

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