PEAX Equipment

Hunting conspiracy theories

@Bux_N_Beards forget about the rut myths

- The rut happens during the full moon in December.
- Some hunting leases have a rut in late October and again in December.
I'm more skeptical of a 400lbs sow running in the woods. Even most "200lbs boars" I see people kill I'm can probably throw over my shoulder. Based on more encounters than I can count I would lean on side that they run away every time and leave the piglets, but I absolutely would like to hear your story. I'm sure my days are numbered until I have an unpleasant encounter.

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Did yall know that just this past year LDWF released panthers into the Florida Parishes (area between New Orleans and Mississippi)? Oh and these aren't the fake black panthers, they are actual tan colored panthers. And the reason it's true is because my brother's crazy in laws saw them going around with antennas tracking them. Heck since they are collared they aren't even trying to hide the fact they released them. It was even on the news.
Wasn't a wild sow. It was one we had on the farm when I was a kid. Dad sent me out to check on her and the little ones.
Some truth to that. Whitetails continue to monthly cycle into rut for about 4 months. I've seen chasing in Feb in Ga.

@Bux_N_Beards forget about the rut myths

- The rut happens during the full moon in December.
- Some hunting leases have a rut in late October and again in December.
I've been chased up a tree twice by hogs. To be fair it was provoked both times.

A hundred times the Hogs are going to take off for the thick brush. It is that hundred and first time you have to worry about.

Anybody who says Hogs won't attack just hasn't had been unlucky....Yet
Except this is true...
Well, they may not have changed the DRAW date for this reason, but it’s totally possible that not moving the application deadline was influenced by that.
They definitely don’t need people’s money for 1/3 of a year.
My mom will swear to this day she saw a black panther on the side of the road in SE Oklahoma. She is also blind in one eye and terrible with depth perception. No clue where the black panther myth comes from but tons of people except them as fact in my area.

Best one I've heard is that once all the baby boomers drop out odds for drawing tags will get better.
Spouse has brothers that have actually seen one in North Texas along the Red.
More myth then conspiracy but what makes me cringe every time is the " old buck going down hill, I bet he was a big one in is prime"
Followed by "stags don't shed their antlers"
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More myth then conspiracy but what makes me cringe every time is the " old buck going down hill, I bet he was a big one in is prime"
Followed by "stags don't shed their antlers"

I can't speak for American deer but in european species such as red deer and fallow it's most definitely a well studied fact that antler reach a peak and "go backwards" in old age. This has come from countless farmed and wild deer studies in Australia and Europe. Red stags, which I hunt mostly quite often have some obvious signs, pedicle worn away to the point that the coronets are pretty much sitting on the head and have the appearance of "slipping off". Their brows quite often straighten and grow quite long while their bez and trez tines start to shrink. Quite often in old stags the bez tine (tine next to brow) disappears all together. Their tops start disappearing. There are plenty of collections of reds from spike through to death that show the trend.

Having said that, most people around where I am aren't as interested in biology or deer outside what they have on their head at that time. So every deer that isn't currently a trophy is a cull because it's either old or has bad genetics.
Generally they can't get old enough here to start the downhill swing. So it's a laughable crutch for some to apply that old age determination to a young buck. More likely to encounter that statement in the 1970's or 80's. Most people these days know they are shooting young bucks.

I can't speak for American deer but in european species such as red deer and fallow it's most definitely a well studied fact that antler reach a peak and "go backwards" in old age. This has come from countless farmed and wild deer studies in Australia and Europe. Red stags, which I hunt mostly quite often have some obvious signs, pedicle worn away to the point that the coronets are pretty much sitting on the head and have the appearance of "slipping off". Their brows quite often straighten and grow quite long while their bez and trez tines start to shrink. Quite often in old stags the bez tine (tine next to brow) disappears all together. Their tops start disappearing. There are plenty of collections of reds from spike through to death that show the trend.

Having said that, most people around where I am aren't as interested in biology or deer outside what they have on their head at that time. So every deer that isn't currently a trophy is a cull because it's either old or has bad genetics.
The one in dark sound sounds like it was just trying to get out of there and you were in the wrong place. Not discrediting the threat or impact of the hit. But The boar sounds like a full on "I'm badder than you attack". Crazy!
Probably how I'd react if I woke up to a stranger in my bedroom especially if he'd just poked me with a sharp stick.
Western states' game and fish departments shift much of their costs onto the backs of non-res hunters with jacked up tag prices and iffy point schemes . . . .

. . .

ohh, wait, this one might be true
