Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunting and Bipolar

Ok, I'm confused. You made it 7.5 months without noticing anything?!
She had no symptoms the first 5 months, and never missed a period. Then at her annual physical exam at 5.5 months she reported a couple of mild symptoms to her doctor, and asked if she might be pregnant. The doctor she’s had her entire adult life was convinced that it wasn’t possible.

7 months we started to get suspicious based on her belly shape. She is a tall lady with a large frame, and normally goes up and down in weight, so it’s hard to tell. 7 1/2 months she took a home pregnancy test and came back positive. She estimated she was 9 weeks along.

She was headed out of the country for an extended trip the next day and instead of “Hey, see you next month, and oh BTW we’re having a baby” she waited till she got back and had an ultrasound.

At the “12-week” ultrasound on Friday she found out she was 2 days shy of the 8-month mark. The position of the placenta prevented her from feeling the baby move. She has maybe a 2-3” baby bump, still no symptoms except for being a little tired and having to pee more often. All indications so far show baby is healthy 🥰
A promising first day of ML season. New spot, evening ambush. Glanced over my right shoulder and a doe pegged me at 20, alarmed out shortly thereafter. At sunset had 2 bucks come in, a younger 10-pt, and an older 8-pt w/ what appeared to be a wound on his lower right abdomen. I snuck in to 129 yards, then relocated to intercept them again, they passed a second time at 155. I have a better idea of where to post up next time.
Great news! Childbirth really is a miracle. Tell you what, even the most hardcore atheist will see God watching their baby born into this world. And sex don’t matter. Baby with ten fingers, ten toes and a healthy heart is what I’d take any day regardless!
I missed at least 2 more. Good practice though. LRN bullet is a good compromise for small game. FMJ is too slippery, and expandable is overkill. I’d use hard cast too, but I can’t find it anywhere. I fill half of the cylinder w/ big game loads, and the other half for opportunity game.
Doe read the script on an AM ambush. I passed on a sharp quartering to angle at 50 yards, and took a slight quartering to at 25 when she stopped. Should have the meat in the cooler, and then back out for an evening sit w/ my either-sex tag.
AM glassing and saw nothing. Mid-day I did some walking/scouting and found some fresh buck tracks in an evening staging area. The only good wind to hunt the spot is Monday night, and I’ll plan to post up. I decided against sitting it today as deer other than the one I am targeting will scent me before the buck shows up.
AM glassing and saw nothing. Mid-day I did some walking/scouting and found some fresh buck tracks in an evening staging area. The only good wind to hunt the spot is Monday night, and I’ll plan to post up. I decided against sitting it today as deer other than the one I am targeting will scent me before the buck shows up.
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Good plan, lots of time left to wait for the right conditions. Are you getting weather tonight into tomorrow? They are calling for a trace here but that’s more we’ve been getting. I’m hoping the wind will switch so I can hunt a spot tonight.
Just warm warm warm. Ground is not frozen, creeks are open, bugs buzzing, and mushrooms popping up. Feels more like southern Missouri than central IA.
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