Hunting Access to Public land blocked!!!

"LA, Either your spelling is incorrect or your punctuation is. Which is it, or is it both? If you want your posts understood maybe you should learn to spell and punctuate correctly. Either way, your post was just meant to start a fight. It wasn't addressing the topic. I'm glad we've been able to expose who the troublemakers are around here. So far we have you, MD4M and Gato. "

This is so out of hand it isnt even fun anymore.
I being a dumbass didnt read it that lost was calling Ithaca any names.
I read it just as lost said,that all of us dumb fat assed slob ATV riders have been calling for no blocked access while some other smarter posters have been for closing down access .
It only matters now because the blocked access could effect THEM LOL well welcome to our world
the land of blocked access because someone THINKS your a moron and assumes your going to trash his land,shoot his cow's or want to use your public lands.
Im against this blocking access to any public land, I support ranchers use of it as long as its left open .
But Lost was right.
After you have blocked us from using public lands,who will be left to help defent your right to use public lands?

Besides remember,
1.How would locking the gate keep you out?Isnt there another way in?

2.If you werent so lazy you could drive around and find other access .

3.Maybe they took a poll and found that the majorty of "back east city folks" like locked gates.

4.What do you need that land for ,isnt that what the wilderness is for?
What? Your to lazy to hike into the wilderness area? Stay home then!!!
Find another hobby!!!

5.Now we can all feel better just knowing it's locked up and being saved for our grandkids and great grandkids.

[Quote from Ithaca
"If you want your posts understood maybe you should learn to spell and punctuate correctly. "]

You know maybe it's Ithaca that needs to be reminded that this forum wasnt founded on who can spell better or how well anyone can punctuate!!!!! Go reread some of moosies posts!!!!!
Oscar hasnt made anyone feel like they cant post on this board for fear of being told how stupid they are!!!! Ithaca has!!!

This forum was started to have & fun share ideas with ALL types of people from all types of backgrounds from all walks of life.
If its going to be run based on how educated or how well dressed,or how well someone uses punctuation ,all you highly educated PC types can have it.
I can say its not the type of place I want to be.I dont surround myself with pompass ass people that think they are above others.
Moosie should be ashamed at how people are treated by some posters based on how well the can freaking spell or type or use the damn computer .
It looks like its now based on how one hunts,what you shoot,what org. you support,how you access your hunting spot,how big your house is and how much money you have!!!!!

A couple of years ago, Arizona passed a law making it illegal, without a court order, to place any public land under lock or to prohibit access. Sounds like Idaho could use a similar law...


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-10-2003 15:39: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
dan== then they just go make an excuse== ESA, etc, and lock it. It's just too bad it comes to needing a court to decide what is a good use for our land.
Lost,, I'm not familiar with ESA. What is that?? As for the decision,that's already been made. The courts are only allowed to issue exceptions. To my knowledge, there have only been two of those issued. One of the two was revoked after the rancher was caught poaching. So there is only one left that I am aware of.

MD4M, "how well dressed," Who said anything about clothes? Proper spelling and punctuation prevent misunderstandings. It's unfortunate you're not having fun. Goodbye.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-10-2003 19:01: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Well I understood it as if LA was calling himself and a few others as dumbasses. It goes to show you that what is written gets a different meaning for those reading it.

Of course I ain't the sensitive type and dont see everything as pertaining to myself.
But I am a Dumbass..just ask my wife
LA made an honest mistake. That much is obvious. I don't think anybody is that particular about spelling and punctuation, but if you read his statement correctly, the way it was written, it did in fact call Ithaca a dumbass. If you didn't read it that way, you read it wrong.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You got what you have been screaming at the rest of us dumbass<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is the statement. Dumbass should have been plural, then it would have been "You got what you have been screaming at the rest of us dumbasses." That is what LA meant to say. The way some of us read it, is we added a comma after "us" so it would read "You got what you have been screaming at the rest of us, dumbass."

I just thought I better clear this up for MD4M. And one more thing. MD4M, you said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you werent so lazy you could drive around and find other access<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What makes you think there is any other access?
Wash., Thank you for clarifying that. You got it right. Nobody would have believed me, they woulda just kept on arguing even though it's as plain as day. Maybe that will help MD4M understand why punctuation and spelling are important.

There's a story, possibly an urban myth, about a teacher asking a class to correctly punctuate the words "woman without her man is a savage".
The men in the class wrote "Woman, without her man, is a savage."

The women in the class wrote "Woman: without her, man is a savage."

I think the men got it right!

Here's another good one:

The actual letter was meant to read:

Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy--will you let me be yours?


It ended up being read as:
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-10-2003 22:12: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I find great humor in the fact that ITHACA would squeal like a little girl at the idea of being gated out.
Excuse me as I pick myself back up off the floor.

LOST, it appears that your writing comprehension is as poor as mine. Good show. I read your "dumbass" posting a copuple of times, and read it as meaning, possibly, both interpretations, and understood that ITHACA would be squealing even more.

DANR, can you find that AZ law for me, just a reference or number would help greatly.

Has anybody requested the comment form or statement from the BLM on this issue?

How's that supply of cheese going IT?
I'm not against gates, even locked ones, as long as the area is accessable by foot traffic and ATV's arent allowed behind the gates.

What I am against, access wise, is some welfare rancher denying ALL access to public lands (if there is a public easement or right-of-way). Thats never right. I also dislike any landowner who blocks off access to public lands by locking up their private land, I do respect their right to do it, but I dont have to like it.

Theres a huge difference between LIMITING use/access and totally DENYING access. A few people around here seem to have trouble understanding that...

Ten, another thing a few around here dont seem to realize is that limiting access isnt just about whats better for each user...but that limiting access is also better for the wildlife and wildlife habitat as well.

Dont always assume that everything each individual stands for is because of selfish reasons.....
Holy crap, who cares who is the biggest dumbass! I can't believe a real issue such as this is turned into a pissing match about who called who a dumbass.

Make your comments on the BLM site. This is very bad indeed. For those of you that have never had a rancher that has "ONLY" grazings rights to public land try to intimidate and scare people off by claiming it's "his" land, your very lucky. I've seen situations just like this. Actually giving someone with grazing rights the opportunity to lock everybody out of public lands can result in some real bad situations.
Here's how I see it.... access will be blocked. To what extent, atv, 4x4s, foot, horse, whatever, access will be blocked. The Groups IT has been promoting, IT, BuzzH, and others have been pretty vocal about denying access to certain segments. This latest endaround run by the BLM just shifts the blame to the ranchers, ......Who really cares where the blame is except you folks whining about the welfare rancher. The end result is still the same=====ACCESS BLOCKED.

Hell I would have thought the people that were so vocal about limiting access would have been grateful the welfare ranchers took the heat on this.
LA, You have no proof and no way of knowing if any groups are trying to block access to the roads in question. Letting any welfare ranchers have any say in closing roads is a bad idea. They close enough of them without any authority just because they feel like it and think they can get away with it.

I know of many perfectly harmless roads that nobody objects to that could be closed if some welfare rancher had his way.

Ten "Has anybody requested the comment form or statement from the BLM on this issue?" What difference does that make? You have all the info you need to send in comments. Read the first post.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-11-2003 12:54: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Once again, access will blocked...... the question is by whom? Us dumbasses don't care b/c its blocked, actually if its blocked by some rancher we can still bribe our way in, if its blocked by you and your groups, then we're out and never get in. You're just mad b/c someone else gets to make the decision and they didn't invite your counsel. Welcome to the dumbass group. HAHAHAHA

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