Hunters need a new public image

Deer heads on truck grills. Goobers. They are amongst us.
In MA this is actually the law, the animal must be visible during transport until it has been checked in at a station. 🤦‍♂️
There is something called a scientific consensus, and peer reviewed science.

If there is a single, novel study 'suggesting' why an outcome was observed it's often premature to let that research act as guidance.
Multiple studies, years of studies, and decades of studies which share the same observations and results, and are peer reviewed, are different.

It's reasonable to be skeptical if you are being fair to the scientific process and analyzing their theory, methods, and data...and weighing that against data which supports your theory.
It's unreasonable to be skeptical simply because you don't like the result of the study.

Look no further than health care. I would wager all of the 'woke' anti science hunters who happen to know research is 'bought and paid for', would be the first in line for modern, minimally invasive medical procedures - a product of peer reviewed science. OR, to applaud the recent Mars landing - another product of science. This is cognitive dissonance. You believe the scientific process works when it benefits you, but you believe the scientific process is corrupt when it doesn't confirm your own bias.

Making the assumption that some examples of corrupt science equates to the whole field of science being corrupt is not a position I would ever take, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Blind Man Sees for the First Time in 38 Years - YouTube

Nearly everybody I’ve seen that has taken up the mantra of “follow the science” would disagree with, if not become enraged at the following statements:

As most ICU physicians will eagerly tell you, are known medications and supplements that when taken prophylacticly or when symptoms first emerge that will greatly reduce chance of serious illness or death from Covid-19. (“Follow the science” crowd has killed thousands by suppressing and denying this info for 11 months)

Schools are a safe place for children and should be open, for regular, in person learning.

COVID-19 presents less of a risk to children than common strains of influenza that we see every year.

Outdoor dining is incredibly safe.

Herd immunity- whether through vaccination or natural immunity is a biological fact- not a conspiracy theory.

Hydraulic fracturing is largely responsible for the United States’ decline in CO2 emissions, due to natural gas replacing coal.

Full-term, late 3rd trimester human babies, are not a clump of cells. They are living humans that can feel pain and are viable outside the womb. Scientifically, they are a human life.

There are two sexes; male and female. The sexes are determined by chromosomal make up, and with rare exceptions every human on this earth either has Two X, or one X and one Y chromosome.

There is a fairly broad consensus around every one of the statements I made above, yet many people that are the loudest about “following the science” take issue with every one of them. Why is that?

I remember not so long ago when my wife, who was trying not to contract Covid, had her mask removed from her by hospital administration and was threatened with reprimand for startling the patient’s families by wearing one. The hospital administration was “following the science” according to Dr. Fauci, the NIH and the CDC.

Nobody, especially me, ever stated “the whole field of science is corrupt”.

I said that “follow the science” is a political slogan, usually stated by leftists, many of whom don’t have STEM degrees themselves, as a way to declare themselves factually and morally superior while stifling debate about a topic.
Nearly everybody I’ve seen that has taken up the mantra of “follow the science” would disagree with, if not become enraged at the following statements:

As most ICU physicians will eagerly tell you, are known medications and supplements that when taken prophylacticly or when symptoms first emerge that will greatly reduce chance of serious illness or death from Covid-19. (“Follow the science” crowd has killed thousands by suppressing and denying this info for 11 months)

Schools are a safe place for children and should be open, for regular, in person learning.

COVID-19 presents less of a risk to children than common strains of influenza that we see every year.

Outdoor dining is incredibly safe.

Herd immunity- whether through vaccination or natural immunity is a biological fact- not a conspiracy theory.

Hydraulic fracturing is largely responsible for the United States’ decline in CO2 emissions, due to natural gas replacing coal.

Full-term, late 3rd trimester human babies, are not a clump of cells. They are living humans that can feel pain and are viable outside the womb. Scientifically, they are a human life.

There are two sexes; male and female. The sexes are determined by chromosomal make up, and with rare exceptions every human on this earth either has Two X, or one X and one Y chromosome.

There is a fairly broad consensus around every one of the statements I made above, yet many people that are the loudest about “following the science” take issue with every one of them. Why is that?

I remember not so long ago when my wife, who was trying not to contract Covid, had her mask removed from her by hospital administration and was threatened with reprimand for startling the patient’s families by wearing one. The hospital administration was “following the science” according to Dr. Fauci, the NIH and the CDC.

Nobody, especially me, ever stated “the whole field of science is corrupt”.

I said that “follow the science” is a political slogan, usually stated by leftists, many of whom don’t have STEM degrees themselves, as a way to declare themselves factually and morally superior while stifling debate about a topic.
I get the point you're driving at, and I certainly don't disagree with the general point, I too have met those people. But some of those claims are based on relatively recent data, which doesn't really fit the type of science @Hydrophilic was referring to.

With regard to the two sexes. There's a really interesting radiolab podcast on that. Turns out genetic variability is not quite so black and white, and while exceptions are rare, they are no less true.
I feel like I win over the non-hunting neutral middle one person at a time by sharing about my love of spending time outdoors and through venison diplomacy. I share kill pics with people who will celebrate with me. I’ve met a handful of antis who’ve told me how despicable they think hunting is. That’s a tiny minority and I’m not going to win over that group. Trophy hunting is deeply unpopular - while big headgear gets me excited, I choose to refrain from broadcasting that loudly to an audience who will find it distasteful. That’s not really a sacrifice IMO.
All IMO; the phrase "trophy hunting" as most often used is a misnomer and the prevalence of that wrongly defined action is much less in reality than many against it suppose...
Nearly everybody I’ve seen that has taken up the mantra of “follow the science” would disagree with, if not become enraged at the following statements:

As most ICU physicians will eagerly tell you, are known medications and supplements that when taken prophylacticly or when symptoms first emerge that will greatly reduce chance of serious illness or death from Covid-19. (“Follow the science” crowd has killed thousands by suppressing and denying this info for 11 months)

Schools are a safe place for children and should be open, for regular, in person learning.

COVID-19 presents less of a risk to children than common strains of influenza that we see every year.

Outdoor dining is incredibly safe.

Herd immunity- whether through vaccination or natural immunity is a biological fact- not a conspiracy theory.

Hydraulic fracturing is largely responsible for the United States’ decline in CO2 emissions, due to natural gas replacing coal.

Full-term, late 3rd trimester human babies, are not a clump of cells. They are living humans that can feel pain and are viable outside the womb. Scientifically, they are a human life.

There are two sexes; male and female. The sexes are determined by chromosomal make up, and with rare exceptions every human on this earth either has Two X, or one X and one Y chromosome.

There is a fairly broad consensus around every one of the statements I made above, yet many people that are the loudest about “following the science” take issue with every one of them. Why is that?

I remember not so long ago when my wife, who was trying not to contract Covid, had her mask removed from her by hospital administration and was threatened with reprimand for startling the patient’s families by wearing one. The hospital administration was “following the science” according to Dr. Fauci, the NIH and the CDC.

Nobody, especially me, ever stated “the whole field of science is corrupt”.

I said that “follow the science” is a political slogan, usually stated by leftists, many of whom don’t have STEM degrees themselves, as a way to declare themselves factually and morally superior while stifling debate about a topic.
Well said sir.
I said that “follow the science” is a political slogan, usually stated by leftists, many of whom don’t have STEM degrees themselves, as a way to declare themselves factually and morally superior while stifling debate about a topic.
You said a mouth full there. Never ever have we had so many experts on messenger RNA, and they are on both sides of the political spectrum. And, three months ago, vaccines were iffy and dangerous, and needed to be approved by a "board of scientists". Now they're the answer; as well they may be. Drives true STEM people nuts.
“Follow the science” simply means follow what hand selected scientists that are saying what corporations and governments tell them to say.
There is nothing more un scientific than refusing to have ideas challenged or hearing opposing viewpoints, especially ones backed up by evidence from well qualified and credentialed individuals.
Just to be clear. Science is not about hearing opposing views or about credentials. It is a systematic process of testing hypotheses with rigorous methodologies.

One of the reasons everybody gets to be a science denier these days is because the word doesn't mean anything anymore. Every topic that wants to lend itself credibility tacks it on to its name - whether or not rigorous methodologies are used (or even possible).

These days, random observations are viewed as "science", not because scientific rigor is present, but because the underlying subjects involve technology or are on a topic science could address (even if it in fact doesn't). It's like the guy with a phd who is spouting off about the correlation between 5G roll-outs and covid. That is not science. Now if the guy actually does controlled experiments to test this hypothesis, then that would be science - and those scientific studies could be right or could be wrong - it would take dozens or hundreds of studies to have an actual science-based answer.

But modern society has the attention span of a gnat, an understanding of science at about a 5th-grade level (the studies on this are depressing) and a shocking love for preserving political identity as being its primary purpose. These together don't leave much room to make "science-based" decisions on any topic that more than about 500 people care about.

I fear we as a nation are becoming collectively dumber.
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